الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Contact Financial Holding and Oracle: A Strategic Alliance for Business Success

 Contact Financial Holding, the leading non-banking financial services (NBFS) provider in Egypt, and Oracle, the global technology leader, have entered a strategic collaboration to enhance the performance, scalability, and reliability of Contact’s mission-critical applications. The signing ceremony, held at Contact Financial Holding’s headquarters in Cairo, marks a milestone in a partnership that has been ongoing for over 20 years, demonstrating Contact’s commitment to leveraging Oracle’s technology to drive innovation and business growth.

Contact Financial Holding has consistently prioritized technological investments, with a particular focus on Oracle’s solutions, including their Database solutions. These strategic investments not only demonstrate Contact’s long-term vision but have also positioned the company at the forefront of the artificial intelligence era. By leveraging Oracle’s advanced technologies, Contact has been able to enhance its operational efficiency, improve data management, and deliver innovative solutions to its customers. This commitment to technological advancement underscores Contact’s dedication to providing cutting-edge financial services and highlights its readiness to embrace future technological innovations.

“Oracle technology will help Contact Financial Holding drive innovation and business growth,” said Bassel Mubarak, Managing Director of Oracle Egypt. “Our collaboration will enable Contact enhance their operational efficiency and deliver superior services to their customers.”

“We are excited to collaborate with Oracle to enhance our operational environment and ensure the highest levels of data management, scalability, and performance,” said Ahmed Abdel Hakim, the IT Director of Contact Financial Holding. “Oracle’s technology and expertise will play a crucial role in supporting our growth and delivering exceptional services to our customers.”

Mr. Said Zater, the CEO of Contact Financial Holding, emphasized, “The collaboration between Contact Financial Holding and Oracle underscores the strategic importance of leveraging technology to drive business growth and deliver exceptional value to customers. Our longstanding partnership with Oracle highlights our visionary approach to technological investments, enhancing our operational efficiency and strengthening our commitment to providing superior services to our customers.”

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