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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Get Ready for Change with the New HUAWEI WATCH D2


HUAWEI has previously announced the availability of the HUAWEI WATCH D2, the world’s first wrist-based smartwatch for blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). This sleek and compact smartwatch allows users to easily monitor their blood pressure anywhere with just a touch. Throughout the day, users can set smart blood pressure measurement reminders, allowing them to easily measure their blood pressure by simply raising their wrist. The watch automatically measures blood pressure while you sleep with minimal disturbance, ensuring a peaceful, uninterrupted night. The HUAWEI WATCH D2 is compatible with both iOS and Android devices.
HUAWEI WATCH D2 brings 24-hour blood pressure monitoring to users’ wrists. It uses an inflatable airbag to measure blood pressure at set intervals, with reminders during the day and automatic readings at night. The watch supports various measurement scenarios, including standing, sitting, or reclining during the day, and performs automatic measurements during sleep. In addition, the watch’s battery lasts up to 6 days, ensuring you a continuous and efficient usage experience.
The HUAWEI WATCH D2 is designed for comfort and convenience. It is compact and lightweight, making it ideal for continuous wear to monitor blood pressure throughout the day. Boasting a 1.82-inch large screen with a new colourful user interface and a 2.5D floating design. It’s also much smaller than traditional upper-arm monitors, with an ultra-narrow 26.5mm airbag.
Available in Black and Gold, the watch features a sweat-resistant, skin-friendly fluoroelastomer strap with TPU soft rubber, ensuring all-day comfort.
The HUAWEI WATCH D2 offers comprehensive health tracking, including SpO2 monitoring, pulse wave arrhythmia analysis, heart rate, stress levels, and skin temperature monitoring. With a single tap, users can measure body indicators and generate a Health Glance report that highlights potential health risks. This includes measurements for heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, stress, body temperature, vascular elasticity, pulse wave arrhythmia, and sleep breathing awareness. Additionally, the HUAWEI WATCH D2 is the first Huawei smartwatch to feature blood pressure analysis in the Health Glance function.
It also brings features such as over 80 exercise modes, with daily task tracking around exercise, diet, sleep, weight, and stress, to help users develop habits that form a healthy lifestyle to support blood pressure management.

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