الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Nice Deer Honors Top Medical Service Providers in Collaboration with the Medical Service Workers Syndicate

 Nice Deer, the leading health insurance technology platform in Egypt, hosted the 2024 Healthcare Stars Awards Ceremony in collaboration with the Medical Service Workers Syndicate. This prestigious event recognized the top-performing medical service providers in the industry, highlighting their exceptional contributions to delivering the highest quality healthcare services.

The awards ceremony was a testament to Nice Deer’s commitment to advancing Egypt’s health insurance system. As the largest health insurance technology platform in the country, serving over one million beneficiaries and a network of more than 8000 medical service providers, Nice Deer has consistently delivered innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, profitability, and service standards for medical providers.

In collaboration with the Medical Service Workers Syndicate, Nice Deer presented Certificates of Excellence to the top-performing healthcare providers for the year 2024 , including El-Ezaby Pharmacies, Cleopatra Hospitals, Alfa Labs, Alfa Scan, and others. This initiative shed light on the outstanding efforts of these providers.

During the event, Nice Deer was also honored for its impactful role in training medical service providers over the past year. Through dedicated workshops, the company empowered providers with the skills and tools needed to maximize the effective use of Nice Deer’s platform and its functionalities. This recognition underscored Nice Deer’s position as a driving force in advancing health insurance and as a trusted partner in improving healthcare operations.

Mostafa Medhat, CEO of Nice Deer, stated: “Our collaboration with the Medical Service Providers’ Syndicate reflects our steadfast commitment to improving the health insurance system.” He added: “By combining our technological expertise with the syndicate’s extensive network of healthcare professionals, we have redefined how healthcare providers interact with insurance systems, enhancing efficiency and trust across all levels.”

Engy Shalash, Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Nice Deer, added: “We are incredibly proud of the strides we have made in equipping medical service providers with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. This recognition is a testament to our ongoing efforts to make a tangible impact within the healthcare sector, and we remain committed to continuous innovation and excellence.”

Bringing together key stakeholders from the medical and insurance sectors, the event reinforced Nice Deer’s position as an effective and essential partner in advancing the sector through technology. By offering cutting-edge tools such as electronic claims processing, fraud detection, and advanced reporting dashboards, Nice Deer has set a new standard for health tech solutions in Egypt.

This event marked another milestone in Nice Deer’s journey toward revolutionizing the healthcare industry. With its ongoing expansion of digital solutions and its continued focus on collaboration, the company remains poised to empower medical service providers and shape the future of health insurance technology.

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