الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Cairo Event Explores “The Hyper-Personalized World” with iSON Xperiences and FICO

iSON Xperiences and global analytics software leader FICO recently hosted a successful event in Cairo, bringing together key figures from the Egyptian Banking and Financial Services sectors. The event focused on “The Hyper-Personalized World: Mastering Data, AI, and Decisions at Scale,” exploring how businesses within this dynamic sector can leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance their ability to manage customers across the entire lifecycle.
The Egyptian banking industry is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by digitalisation and evolving customer expectations. In this environment, personalised customer experiences are no longer a luxury, but a necessity. The partnership between iSON Xperiences and FICO focuses on empowering banks and financial institutions with solutions that integrate FICO’s decisioning technology with iSON Xperiences’ AI led BPO & CX services. This integration enables businesses to improve customer acquisition, management, and debt collection through solutions that combine data, analytics, machine learning, and AI with human expertise. These solutions create more meaningful, seamless, and sustainable customer interactions, fostering greater customer loyalty and driving long-term growth.

“Our primary objective is to assist our clients in achieving maximum customer value through the power of data-driven innovation,” stated Manoj Mudgal, Country Head of Egypt at iSON Xperiences. “This necessitates a deep understanding and accurate prediction of customer behaviours and requirements, followed by the translation of these insights into automated decision-making processes. We identified FICO as the leading provider in this domain, possessing cutting-edge expertise in leveraging AI, decision management software, optimisation, and other advanced technologies to transform data and insights into tangible, impactful outcomes. By leveraging these combined capabilities, Egyptian banks can gain a competitive edge, improve operational efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences that meet the evolving demands of today’s digital-first consumers.”

The event provided a platform for attendees to explore how to leverage these combined capabilities to gain a deeper understanding of customer behaviour, improve customer acquisition strategies, enhance customer retention efforts, and optimise debt recovery processes.
“Hyper-personalization not only leads to greater customer engagement and satisfaction, it can also help retail banks better understand and meet the unique needs of underserved populations,” said Mehdi Kerchouni, senior associate partner at FICO. “Through sharper analysis of customer data, banks can create products for specific cohorts of people who have had little access to credit. Personalized digital interfaces can make banking services more user-friendly, encouraging wider adoption among diverse demographic groups.”

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