الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


– Company takes advantage of continued growth in GCC Luxury Real Estate and Leisure Sectors
– Hansgrohe’s products are used in The Burj Khalifa, The Bulgari Hotel and SkyView Towers
– Company will release an album on Spotify – “WaterTunes”, to mark the 120th Anniversary occasion, as part of the #hansfactor campaign

The continued expansion of the luxury hotel and property development sector across the GCC, coupled with an increasing appetite by consumers to own premium luxury products in their homes, has contributed to the strong growth of faucet and shower manufacturer, Hansgrohe Group in the region.
The Schiltach, Germany headquartered firm, with a representative office in Dubai, is renowned for its innovative approach in crafting sustainable, design-focused kitchen and bathroom fixtures and fittings. As it marks its 120th anniversary, it can count expansion in the Middle East a significant contributor to its 12- decade success story.
Hansgrohe Group, which includes premium brands hansgrohe and AXOR, has increased its footprint across the region over the past several years, and now has presence in 13 GCC countries. These include the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, with Iraq the latest addition to a growing list. In the UAE, some of the most iconic and impressive regional landmarks feature hansgrohe or AXOR products, including Masdar City in Abu Dhabi; Burj Khalifa, the Bulgari Hotel and Skyview Towers in Dubai. Marina Towers in Beirut and King Abdullah Financial District, Riyadh, KSA also boast Hansgrohe products.
According to Andreas Wolf, Managing Director of Hangrohe, SE MEA, “There will be almost 70,000 luxury category hotels operating in the GCC region by 2022, and combined with luxury real estate growth, there is a requirement for premium products that give the best possible experience to consumers – that includes the washroom and showering experience, where Hansgrohe has continued to pioneer and innovate products that combine original aesthetics with ultimate functionality, always with sustainability a key driver.”
The company is responsible for a wealth of industry “firsts” as well as the pursuit of climate-friendly solutions through a specially developed water saving calculator which calculates the water and budget savings that can be achieved by switching to Hansgrohe products with EcoSmart and Cool Start technology.
For the AXOR brand, partnering with a series of globally renowned designers has contributed to the its continued appeal amongst the architect and interior design sectors. Collaborations have included those with French Industrial Architect, Phillip Starke; Italian Architect and Furniture designer, Antonio Citterio, and British industrial design duo, Barber Osgerby.
The manufacturer’s 120th anniversary motto is “Setting the Beat of water since 1901” with its premium brand, hansgrohe, creating the #hansfactor campaign, illustrating the characteristics, skills and qualifications that shape the company’s success.
Marc Andre Palm, Head of Global Brand Marketing for the hansgrohe brand, comments: “Never losing curiosity and always questioning the status quo, while acting responsibly and putting people first, that’s what #hansfactor stands for.”
An additional boost to the anniversary celebrations, and typical of the Group’s pervasive originality is “WaterTunes” – an album of catchy electro-pop melodies available to download on Spotify. Composed by Hamburg-based musicians, Florian Kruse and Andreas Paulsen, it is based on original water disturbance sounds from the Hansgrohe spray and sound lab. The source of their creation were the sounds that are filtered out as noise when water passes through shower and faucet prototypes.

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