الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


 Times Square Center, located in the heart of the city and renowned for supporting small businesses and new ideas, inaugurated the Fine Arts exhibition, which ran for five days from March 28 to April 1st. Its primary aim was to support women to live in peace and harmony reflecting the aesthetics of their mind and soul through art.

This initiative falls in line with the initiatives by Sheikh Mohammed bin Maktoum, President of the Emirates Rugby Federation who supports women by enacting legislations that reflect the importance of their role and provides them opportunities to participate in self-development. Some of the participants in the exhibition included Moroccan engineer Sarah Achouch, and Dr. Suad Al Shamsi with twenty-five fine art paintings reflecting the resilience of women in their everyday life.

“This is my first exhibition in the UAE, having held two exhibitions abroad: One in Cairo and the other one in London,” said Dr. Suad. She also stated how her goal is to support women to live in peace and harmony while raising children based on their own morals, while supporting their dreams and sharing artistic and cultural hobbies.

Dr. Suad’s paintings were a mixture of classic and realistic art highlighting women’s aesthetics using acrylic oil colors alongside paper and 24 karat gold waters in three paintings. With her leadership role in aeronautical engineering, Dr. Suad is also an esteemed author with her paintings named as reflections of her written work, such as, Merciful Heart and Barcode and My Wish to Kill a Man. Each painting signifies the world we live in, and each color codes to a reflection. Green, black and earthy tones showcase the dark holes in life followed by silver lining and optimism. The human faces reflect her work within the aviation field which inspired her to create and understand the different cultures around the world.

The Times Square Center, owned by the Sharaf Group, is considered one of the permanent supporters of Emirati and non-Emirati women’s businesses and women’s projects.

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