الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Malaysia’s Ministry Of Tourism, Arts And Culture (MOTAC) Targeting To Attract More Than 2 Million International Tourists This Year

 Malaysia has officially reopened its borders to international tourists starting 1st April 2022. Targeting to attract more than 2 million international tourists this year, Tourism Malaysia, the promotional board under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), will embark on a continuous effort to showcase the country’s unique blend of “Truly Asia” heritage to the Middle East and the world.

Earlier during the pandemic, Tourism Malaysia launched the campaign #WeMissYou, which was targeted at the Middle East region to invoke feelings of nostalgia among travellers on the magnificent attractions that Malaysia has to offer.

Recently, Tourism Malaysia participated in the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) 2022, where it signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) with Dubai-based Emirates Airline as part of the recovery and development of traffic to Malaysia from key markets across the airline’s network.
Through this strategic agreement, Tourism Malaysia will work with Emirates to explore mutually beneficial initiatives that will drive tourism into Malaysia, and offer Emirates more opportunities to serve the market, which include familiarisation trips, workshops, seminars, digital campaigns, in-flight marketing campaigns and other marketing programs.

The mission’s goal at the ATM is to re-establish and strengthen the region’s commitment to good tourist cooperation, future partnerships and better cooperation with the travel and tourism industry.

Dato’ Sri Hajah Nancy Shukri, Malaysia’s Tourism Arts and Culture Minister said: “We will continue to place strong emphasis and focus on the Middle Eastern market in terms of outbound tourism. Hence, we will be stepping up our promotional efforts here.

“It is indeed a huge relief for the tourism industry as we welcome more international tourists, newcomers and regulars alike, to further boost our economy. Therefore, we hope for a strong rebound in our market as the border reopening will open doors for the tourism revival to bolster recovery. We are targeting to attract 2 million international tourist arrivals this year with more than RM8.6 billion (AED7.5 billion) in tourism receipts.”

Malaysia’s participation at the recently concluded Expo 2020 Dubai thus provided a timely opportunity for sharing its multicultural identity and approach with the whole world. In an effort to secure full recovery for tourism and other economic sectors, the Malaysian government recognises the need to strengthen international cooperation and multilateralism, as well as to promote Malaysia as part of the world’s big family.

During Expo 2020 Dubai, MOTAC also hosted the Eco-Tourism Week to promote Malaysia as the next top of the mind eco-tourism destination in the world, in line with its National Tourism Policy 2020 – 2030 to highlight sustainable and responsible tourism. The week-long programme was participated by 16 Malaysian organisations and tour agencies, providing a chance for them to revive promotional efforts on the global stage.

Visitors were able to experience “Malaysia, Truly Asia” at the Energising Harmony segment at the Malaysia Pavilion, with daily performances as well as showcase of the diverse traditions, arts, and crafts that belong to different ethnic groups of Malaysia. These include the exotic and energetic traditional dances of the Borneo ethnic groups, Malay, Indian and Chinese cultures. The shows by the ministry’s National Department for Culture and Arts were a hit with visitors and piqued their interest in visiting Malaysia.

Furthermore, visitors were treated to a distinctive palette and a tapestry of Malaysian flavours at the Malaysia Café operated by Malaysia Pavilion’s F&B partners, Nur Malaysia and Marrybrown. Visitors had the chance to sample popular and delectable Malaysian delicacies like nasi lemak, kuey teow, roti canai and many more.

vent. Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) is the implementing agency.

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