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Hyundai Palisade and Santa Cruz Win Top J.D. Power 2022 U.S. APEAL Awards

  • Hyundai IONIQ 5 Finishes in Second Place in the Compact SUV Segment
  • Hyundai Sonata Finishes in Second Place in the Midsize Car Segment
  • Hyundai Tucson Finishes in Third Place in the Compact SUV Segment
  • Hyundai Accent Finishes in Third Place in the Small Car Segment


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

J.D. Power designated the Hyundai Palisade and Santa Cruz as the most appealing vehicles in their segments in the 2022 U.S. Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout (APEAL) StudySM. The Palisade earned the top score in the Upper Midsize SUV segment, while Santa Cruz took the top spot in the Midsize Pickup segment. Additional vehicles in Hyundai’s lineup performed well, with IONIQ 5 and Sonata both finishing second in their respective segments, while Tucson and Accent were third.

John Shon, senior group manager, product planning, Hyundai Motor North America accepts the J.D. Power APEAL trophies for the Hyundai Palisade and Santa Cruz from Robert Mansfield, senior director, global automotive, J.D. Power in Fountain Valley, Calif., July 20, 2022. (Photo/Hyundai)

“We are thrilled with the recognition of Santa Cruz and Palisade in this year’s J.D. Power APEAL Study,” said Olabisi Boyle, vice president, product planning and mobility strategy, Hyundai Motor North America. “The Palisade and Santa Cruz both have on-road presence, upscale interiors, human-focused technology, and advanced Hyundai SmartSense Safety features. This recognition is the result of our organization-wide commitment to delivering vehicles that exceed the expectations of our customers.”

Study Highlights:

  • The 2022 U.S. APEAL Study, now in its 27th year, is based on responses from 84,165 purchasers and lessees of new 2022 model-year vehicles who were surveyed early in the ownership period.
  • The study asks vehicle owners to consider 37 attributes 90 days after the vehicle purchase, ranging from the power they feel when they step on the accelerator to the sense of comfort when climbing into the driver’s seat. J.D. Power then aggregates the responses to generate an overall APEAL score on a 1,000-point scale.
  • The study was fielded from February through May 2022.

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