الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

First Professional VC- Only Investor Network Workshop Set to Take Place During Gitex Week in Dubai, UAE

The flagship event will attract foreign investments into the UAE and MENA region and raise awareness of regions tech advancements

Organised by up coming investor network company, Gingo VC is set to launch it’s opening event in Dubai this coming October. Gingo VC seeks to bring together investors with interest in funding the technology sector of emerging markets, and is a regional version of famed investor network ‘Adventureland’, the biggest startup and angel ecosystem in Eastern Europe. The event will bring together up to 50 foriegn VC investors and business ‘angels’ to the UAE, giving them an overview of the MENA’s tech and R&D landscape.

The VC weekend aims to increase international venture capital investors’ understanding of the Middle Eastern startup ecosystem through a series of events, that cover diverse topics from setting up a fund to startup scouting and investor relations, through a series of closed investor dinners , networking sessions, business conferences, startup pitches, and even a boat party for a little bit of laid back networking. Investors from all over the world will be attending, some include those from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Russia, the United States, Africa, Ukraine, Morocco, Europe, Turkey, Brazil and Lebanon.

The keystone event will be held on the 14th of October in Four Seasons Hotel, DIFC.

Notable speakers and attendees of the event, include Jim Chu, active emerging markets investor and founder of Untapped Global, Dalia Mohamed Ibrahi, Founder & CEO of EdVentures (MENA’s first corporate venture capital), Tala Al Jabri, Venture Partner (previously General Partner) at HOF Capital, an early stage VC fund, and was an advisor at Turmeric Capital’s GCC Asia Fund. Previously, Ms Al Jabri was an investor at SoftBank Vision Fund focusing on growth-stage ventures in MEA and working with portfolio company expansions into MENA.

The first day of the workshop will focus on the latest developments in the food-tech industry. The second day will be held in Hub71 – one of the top tech hubs in the region, and will be dedicated to startup scouting insights. The business talk will be followed by pitches of startups selected to the last batch of the accelerator out of 700+ applications. The most promising tech industry startups will pitch their projects and will be available for face-to-face meetings and networking with VC Weekend attendees.

An impressive list of speakers includes investors from notable venture capital firms, such as Shoroq Partners, Startup Bootcamp, EdVentures, Untapped Global, and 30+ VCs and angels.

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