الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


Hotel Indigo Dubai Downtown has partnered with Kristel Bechara, the award-winning female contemporary artist, to present a one-of-a-kind exhibition that will include a large-scale acrylic painting besides fragments that will be showcased as 25 limited edition digital prints and sold along with NFTs. Launching on the 8th of December, the exclusive exhibition will be open for private viewing. Guests will be treated to a fully immersive experience with the artist while they engage with the spectacular art displayed.

Lebanon-born Kristel Bechara has quickly established herself as the rising star of the Middle East and is known for her unique style and use of dynamic patterns and expressive colours. Kristel’s work has been displayed around the world in galleries from Tokyo, Milano, Brussels, and France. Her pioneering “Beauty in DeFi” NFT collection in the Middle East is inspired by the world of cryptocurrencies.

“I enjoy creating in every medium, I think my work reflects the ever-changing landscape of art that is challenging the norms. When I came across the world of NFTs, I embraced it with open arms. This is the future of art authentication and provenance.” Said Kristel Bechara on her new collection.

Located in the heart of Downtown, Hotel Indigo Dubai Downtown is an art lovers’ paradise that is an amalgamation of old and new. The hotel promises to bring together a perfect blend of modern comfort alongside a celebration of the rich culture of the UAE. It offers guests unique art elements through the in-house curated collection by their very own Art Manager.

Talking about this exciting project, Astrid Lesuisse, Art Manager at Hotel Indigo Dubai Downtown said, “Our goal is to curate and discover artists that are marking their way in the Art world and share them with the public in the most approachable way. I believe art is for everyone. Gone are the days when people believed that great pieces of artwork can only be enjoyed by the elite.

This exciting project is the result of the hotel’s first participation in the region’s largest contemporary retail art fair “World Art Dubai” as the art hotel partner. The Hotel Indigo Award was given to Kristel Bechara to recognize and appreciate her art that we, at Hotel Indigo Dubai Downtown, found outstanding. Indeed, I think that through the new medium of NFTs, Kristel Bechara is opening doors for the younger generation to buy art and experience it in a unique and modern way.”

An ode to the spectacular city, Hotel Indigo Dubai Downtown embraces its fast-changing metropolitan future, while honouring its rich heritage. Each feature of the hotel is set to take guests on a visual journey right from the entrance. Based on the story of the creek which is a bridge between new and old Dubai, the walkway up to Hotel Indigo Dubai Downtown is designed to be reminiscent of stones weathered by the waters at the shore of the creek. Inspired by Islamic geometry, Emirati culture, and Arabic design the entire hotel is a treasure trove of creative culture.

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