الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

The Iconic French Patisserie Ladue Makes A Grand Entrance at Marassi, North Coast Egypt

Embrace the allure of Ladurée in Marassi, the unrivaled coastal destination of Egypt’s North Coast and let your tastebuds embark on a sweet journey by the sea.

Craving a perfect blend of seaside bliss and elegant treats? Look no further! Ladurée, the renowned French luxury patisserie, has just arrived in Marassi, Egypt’s most loved coastal destination. Get your fix of delicious macarons and flakiest pastries, as Ladurée brings its signature flavors to the pristine shores of the North Coast. Step into their brand new outlet, adorned with eclectic interiors that transport you to the heart of Paris and indulge in a relaxed ambience that whispers of indulgence.

Nestled along the picturesque shores of the Mediterranean Sea, Marassi emerges as the coveted destination for summer getaways, captivating both locals and global adventurers. Dotted with luxurious resorts and elegant hotels, this stretch of paradise sets the perfect backdrop for the establishment of this exquisite haven, Ladurée. As you step into Ladurée, expect an authentic French experience and get enchanted by the irresistible offerings featuring delectable pastries, graceful delicatessen, signature macarons and more.

Guests can enjoy the tranquil beauty of the Mediterranean and serenade their senses as Ladurée delights with a selection of ethereal delicacies and French temptations. Open from 10 am to 2 am, this haven of sweetness offers a tempting selection of signature macarons in exotic flavours including the classic vanilla, decadent chocolate, pistachio, delicate rose, caramel, raspberry, lemon, orange blossom, marie antoinette and aromatic coffee. But there’s more to discover than just the iconic macarons.

Whether you’re seeking a leisurely afternoon tea or an extraordinary brunch, Ladurée promises to transport you to a world of culinary enchantment. Start your day in a perfectly balanced and delicious way by exploring a plethora of healthy breakfast options. Savour the Bénédictine Soft-Boiled eggs with a delightful twist of spinach and veal bacon or indulge in the soft and Buttery Ladurée omelet, generously filled with ham, mushrooms and cheese. For a touch of Parisian charm, try the Parisian Omelet, a fluffy delight that will transport you to the heart of France.  And for those seeking a sweet morning treat, the Profiterol Chocolate awaits, tantalizing your taste buds.

Elevate your gastronomic experience with an a la carté menu and indulge in an a brunch or a lunch being served at Ladurée’s new outlet. Relish the masterpieces such as the succulent Ladurée Beef Burger, flavorsome Caesar Salad Chicken, mouth-watering Saffron Risotto Chicken and the creamy Créme Brulee and more. Round off your meals with the heavenly creation St Honore Pistachio Ind that pairs perfectly with an array of drinks and juices. Satiate your sugar cravings with a luxurious touch as Ladurée presents their chocolate delights, such as the Fleur Noire and Plaisir Sucré, promising ultimate pleasures in every bite.

With 4 magnificent outlets already sprinkled around Egypt, the grand opening in Marassi’s North Coast marks the fifth venue, taking the concept of a café destination to new heights and ensuring an unforgettable dining experience.

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