الرئيس التنفيذي
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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

EG Capital Welcomes Prosper Africa Catalytic Investment Facility and USAID as New Partners in EG-Economic Empowerment Fund.

Sandrine Henton, Managing Director, EG Capital, with youth organisers at the US Africa Business Summit 2023 in Gaborone, Botswana this July.

EG Capital Welcomes Prosper Africa Catalytic Investment Facility and USAID as New Partners in EG-Economic Empowerment Fund

EG Capital is pleased to announce that the Prosper Africa Catalytic Investment Facility, with additional funding from USAID in East Africa and Zambia, has joined as a new partner in the EG-Economic Empowerment Fund. This collaboration underscores EG Capital’s steadfast commitment to fostering economic growth and sustainable development in East Africa and Zambia.

The EG-Economic Empowerment Fund, with a target of US$100 million in commitments, boasts a diverse pool of capital, including substantial contributions from institutional investors such as family offices, pension funds, banks, and sovereign wealth funds, as well as local African institutional investors.

The alignment of EG Capital’s efforts with the Prosper Africa Catalytic Investment Facility, which provides financing to African asset managers and financial vehicles that have a pipeline of growth-oriented businesses, signifies a momentous step forward in catalyzing greater investment in African entrepreneurs and small businesses. The partnership with Prosper Africa and USAID in the EG-Economic Empowerment Fund demonstrates a shared dedication to empowering medium-sized businesses across pivotal sectors in food, climate, health and education.

Speaking on the new partnership, Sandrine Henton Managing Director at EG Capital said, “We are actively pursuing collaborations with top-tier sponsors to invest in fast-growing and innovative businesses in food, climate, health and education sectors across East Africa and Zambia.

“Our enthusiasm knows no bounds as we expand our existing partnerships and forge new connections with investors who share our vision, aiming to achieve not only compelling financial returns but also tangible, positive transformation in these resilient, high-growth sectors. We are firm believers that investing at the intersection of gender empowerment and climate action holds the key to unlocking additional value, especially in benefitting the lives of women and youth.”

EG Capital’s comprehensive approach, characterized by private equity investments, cross-sector collaboration, and partnerships with initiatives such as the Prosper Africa Catalytic Investment Facility, exemplifies a visionary strategy aimed at championing sustainable economic development, gender parity, and resilience in East Africa and Zambia.

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