الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Revolutionizing the Road: United Insurance Unveils a Fresh Identity

Al Kooheji: Turbocharging Digital Services for King Fahad Causeway Vehicles

United Insurance, a distinguished Bahraini insurance company established to provide coverage to vehicles passing through King Fahad Causeway from and to the Kingdom of Bahrain, proudly introduced its new logo and visual identity.

This move signals the initiation of a transformative phase in the company’s trajectory, spanning from its inception in 1986 to the present day.

More than just a visual refresh, the new identity symbolizes a new era of growth and development for United Insurance. At a recent launch ceremony, the company’s dedicated team not only introduced the refined logo but also shared their vision for the future – one filled with innovative insurance solutions, streamlined operations, and a seamless digital experience. Their unwavering commitment to exceeding customer expectations shines through in every initiative, as they strive to solidify their position as the leading name in cross-border vehicle insurance.

Maysa Al Kooheji, CEO of United Insurance Company, commented: “Today, we unveil not just a new identity, but a new future for United Insurance. This identity represents our unwavering commitment to keep pace with the Kingdom’s evolving insurance landscape, and it’s a promise to become the leading light, guiding our customers toward comprehensive solutions and exceptional service, aligned with Bahrain’s 2022-2026 financial services strategy. We aim to contribute meaningfully to the Kingdom’s economic prosperity, leaving our mark on every vehicle passing through King Fahd Causeway.”

Al Kooheji added: “Our ambition thrives alongside this refreshed identity. We’re poised for growth, fueled by innovative insurance products and a digital revolution across our operations. From streamlined services for Causeway vehicles to leveraging our expertise for maximum value, we’re ready to unlock new opportunities and empower every stakeholder. United Insurance eagerly anticipates building upon its successful track record and achieving new milestones in the future. As we explore opportunities aligned with our strategic objectives, we remain committed to the continued enhancement of our established achievements.”

It is noteworthy that United Insurance Company was established in 1986 as a closed Bahraini joint-stock company, coinciding with the inauguration of the King Fahd Causeway connecting the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This esteemed company is jointly owned by five prominent Bahraini insurance entities and a reputable Saudi Arabian counterpart and holds a significant position within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, it operates under the licensure and supervision of the Central Bank of Bahrain. The Company proudly represents the Kingdom of Bahrain as a member of the General Arab Insurance Federation, and as a key player, it is entrusted with the issuance of the orange card for transit vehicle insurance across all member states.

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