الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

UAE Property Forum in Sao Paulo to Attract Investors from Brazil on January 29-30

The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates hosts an Emirati Real Estate Forum with the participation of leading real estate developers

 The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Brazil and the Consulate General in Sao Paulo will host the first UAE Property Forum from January 29 to 30 at the Tivoli Mofarrej São Paulo Hotel, Brazil. This initiative aligns with the UAE’s efforts to attract foreign direct investment across various sectors, including real estate, and support tourism.

The forum is organized in collaboration with the International Property Show (IPS), a leading platform showcasing the latest developments in the real estate sector, promoting international cooperation, and exploring profitable investment opportunities. IPS, with a successful track record, will hold its 20th edition at the Dubai World Trade Centre from February 27 to 29, 2024, providing a unique opportunity for industry leaders, professionals, and investors to engage in meaningful dialogues and discussions, shaping the real estate landscape.

His Excellency Saleh Ahmad Salem Alzaraim Alsuwaidi, the UAE Ambassador to Brazil, stated: “The bilateral relations between the UAE and Brazil have witnessed significant developments, particularly in economic aspects. The partnership has reached a strategic level, especially after the UAE’s inclusion in the BRICS group and its participation in G20 business meetings hosted in Brazil this year. With our commitment to fostering growth and collaboration in the real estate sector and strengthening relations between the two nations, the UAE offers unique investment opportunities in real estate to Brazilian investors, reflecting the attractiveness and competitiveness of its real estate market on a global scale.”

Al Suwaidi added: “Through hosting the forum, the UAE Embassy in Brazil aims to organize a distinguished event with global participation, featuring experienced developers from the UAE and innovative project owners. Brazilian investors will have a golden opportunity to explore diverse investment prospects in the real estate sector of the UAE, contributing to enhancing collaborative relationships and building an international bridge for investment.”

The forum provides a unique opportunity for visitors, exhibitors, investors, and government officials to engage and discuss the most promising investment opportunities offered by the real estate sector in Brazil. It also facilitates the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and exploration of potential cooperation.

The UAE, with its strategic location, presents an attractive destination for global investors. IPS Brazil is committed to providing an unparalleled platform for the real estate community to explore these features and the investment opportunities in UAE real estate, alongside gaining insightful market dynamics and the chance to form strategic partnerships.

The forum signifies a prominent effort to enhance economic relations and cooperation between the UAE and Brazil. All interested parties, stakeholders, industry professionals, and investors are invited to participate in this distinguished event and contribute to the growth and prosperity of the global real estate industry.

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