الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Tetra Pak sees growth opportunities in Egypt

Global CEO Adolfo Orive meets with key stakeholders to discuss business opportunities

 Tetra Pak Global President and CEO, Adolfo Orive, visited Egypt with the goal to meet key stakeholders and deepen his understanding of the market and its potential.
During his three-day visit, Adolfo met several key customers, and toured some of their production sites. He visited a dairy farm and explored both traditional and modern market outlets. He also had the opportunity to learn about the progress of the Used Beverage Cartons (UBC) recycling plant that is being established in Sadat City in a partnership between Tetra Pak and Uniboard, the leading Paperboard producer in Egypt.
Commenting on the visit Adolfo said, “This is my first visit to Egypt in many years. The progress of the country’s infrastructure is quite remarkable. I was impressed by the adoption of digital tools and latest technologies within our customers’ operations.”

He added, “I had the chance to see first-hand the entire value chain for milk production in Egypt. And I had the privilege to meet most of our key customers and discuss challenges and opportunities we can tackle jointly. I see great growth potential in Egypt.”

“We are delighted to have started the year with Adolfo’s visit to our market,” remarked Wael Khoury, Managing Director of Tetra Pak Egypt Area. “The visit was filled with fruitful discussions with industry leaders. It also reinforced our commitment to collaborating with our customers to offer solutions that are optimised for their specific needs.”

Adolfo met with most of Tetra Pak’s customers including Alex Agri, Al Rayhan, Beyti, Coro, DAL group, Domty, El Borouj, Juhayna, Obourland, and So Fresh.

Adolfo Orive has been President and CEO of Tetra Pak globally since April 2019. With a career spanning over three decades at Tetra Pak, he has led various functions and businesses across geographies. Together with over 23,000 colleagues worldwide, he helps advance the company’s purpose: to commit to making food safe and available everywhere, and to protect what’s good – protecting food, people, and the planet.

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