الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

KEZAD Group Announces AED 621m Investment for New Warehousing Capacity

Khalifa Economic Zones Abu Dhabi – KEZAD Group, the largest operator of integrated and purpose-built economic zones, today announced that it has commenced the development of warehousing capacity of more than 250,000 square metres, with an investment of AED 621 million to bring additional capacity of pre-built industrial and logistics facilities online by the end of 2025. This will boost KEZAD’s total warehousing capacity by 43%.

KEZAD Group has commenced construction of the new phases in light of strong demand for warehousing and other prebuilt facilities across the emirate of Abu Dhabi, in both free zone and domestic industrial areas. The development includes construction over more than 97,500 sq metres of leasable area in Khalifa Industrial Area (KEZAD Al Ma’mourah A & B) and more than 153,000 sq metres of leasable area in ICAD 3 (KEZAD Musaffah).

Since Q3 2022, KEZAD Group has already delivered more than 270,000 sq metres of additional warehousing space, with leased area having seen a 66% increase over the same period of time.

The developments include prebuilt facilities consisting of logistics and distribution warehouses, cold stores, light industrial units and showrooms of various sizes and specifications.


Mohamed Al Khadar Al Ahmed, CEO of Khalifa Economic Zones Abu Dhabi – KEZAD Group said: “Our focused approach to strengthen the ecosystem within our economic zones has resulted in continued demand for warehousing and light industrial units across our portfolio. We are committed to develop more facilities for customers seeking ‘plug and play’ assets that leverage our zones’ global connectivity and highly competitive cost of doing business to expand their reach to new markets and customers in the region.

“Abu Dhabi’s business friendly atmosphere, safety and liveability of the city are also major attractions for companies relocating their staff to the region.”

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