الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


 La Ville Hotel & Suites announces its achievement of being awarded the prestigious Gold Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp 2023. This recognition, awarded to properties adhering to Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing’s (DTCM) sustainability requirements, highlights the hotel’s commitment to energy and water efficiency, waste management and staff education.

Among 270 participating properties, La Ville Hotel & Suites stands out as one of only 11 recipients of the Gold Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp. Certified by Green Key for four consecutive years, the hotel has been a leader in eco-friendly practices since its establishment in 2017, excelling in energy efficiency, waste management and social responsibility.

La Ville Hotel & Suites introduced innovative programmes, emphasising kitchen practices to reduce food waste through enhanced planning, recycling cooking oil and dehydrating food. Eco-friendly waste collection in rooms encourages guests to segregate items for recycling. Sustainable energy practices include the use of electric vehicles for valet services, guest encouragement to reuse towels and linens and the replacement of conventional bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights. La Ville also makes impactful strides in adopting eco-friendly materials, eliminating plastic from various aspects and actively working towards a plastic-free buffet. Recycling is a cornerstone of La Ville’s sustainability, with a meticulous segregation process to ensure sustainable processing of recyclable waste.

La Ville Hotel & Suites sets a remarkable standard for the industry, showcasing an unwavering commitment to sustainable practices. As a trailblazer in eco-conscious hospitality, the hotel’s dedication not only demonstrates the feasibility of sustainable operations but also emphasises the crucial role hotels can play in fostering a relationship between high-quality accommodations and ecological responsibility.

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