الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Emirates NBD-Egypt Offers 100% Covered Solar Panel Personal Loan


Guided by its deeply-rooted vision to create a more sustainable future that utilizes solar energy, Emirates NBD-Egypt offers a personal loan to finance the purchase of solar panel and empower individuals to use clean energy solutions. Aligning with Egypt’s Sustainability Strategy and 2030 Vision, this offering is set to pave the way for the bank to achieve the mandate for international sustainable development goals with a focus on driving clean energy.

Promoting the accessibility of sustainable solutions, the loan allows clients a financial coverage up to 100% of the total cost of the solar panels starting from EGP 100 thousand, up to a maximum of EGP 1 million, where clients can repay the loan up to 7-year tenor with highly competitive interest rates. Emirates NBD-Egypt is considered a pioneer in providing advanced financing solutions to serve customers’ needs in an efficient and sustainable way.

Amr El-Shafei, CEO and Managing Director of Emirates NBD-Egypt, states: “This loan reinforces our ongoing commitment to sustainability, as we strive to offer distinctive services. We aim to diversify energy sources and promote clean energy, particularly solar power. Through innovative financing, we empower clients to invest effectively, ensuring promising returns and facilitating a smooth transition to eco-friendly solutions.”

Amgad Doma, Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer of Emirates NBD – Egypt, said: “The Solar Panel Loan is a key driver in achieving Emirates NBD – Egypt’s sustainability goals, which closely aligns with the state’s agenda and global development objectives. Combating climate change and preserving our environment are at the forefront of every act we do. This new loan acts as a catalyst for enabling individuals to participate in curbing waste from the energy sector.”

The Solar Panel loan presents an exceptional empowering opportunity for customers aspiring to use solar panels for clean and renewable energy, as it offers finance coverage up to 100% of the total price with flexible payment terms. The loan streamlines access to clean energy in which enables individuals to actively contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and the preservation of the environment.

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