الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Fortinet Egypt’s Security Day Will Focus on the Modern Threat Landscape and Cyber Defense for 2024

Fortinet, the global cybersecurity leader driving the convergence of networking and security, will host its annual “Security Day” event for the company’s customers and partners in Egypt on Wednesday 21st February, 2024. The event will take place at the Grand Egyptian Museum with an expected participation of over 700 cybersecurity professionals from across multiple sectors in the country.
Khaled Fawzy, Country Manager, Fortinet Egypt, Libya and Sudan noted: “We are very excited and honored to host our Security Day in Egypt to meet our customers across all industries and organizations, and to showcase our unique and integrated portfolio. For over two decades, Fortinet has been a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity, with some of the most comprehensive solutions on the market. We deliver cybersecurity everywhere our customers need it, and we do so responsibly by innovating sustainable security technologies, diversifying cybersecurity talent, and promoting responsible business across our value chain.”
“During the event, technical experts from the Fortinet team will share insights on the latest cybersecurity trends and the challenges that organizations are expected to face. They will also introduce Fortinet’s vision in this field and the latest tools and solutions organizations can use to tackle the constantly evolving cyber threat landscape. This will be further elaborated in the breakout sessions delivered during the event in three main tracks, focused on areas that have emerged in recent years, including Security Operations (SecOps), Operations Technology (OT), and Secure Networking.” concluded Fawzy.
The Keynote speaker at the event will be Ricardo Ferreira, EMEA Field CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) at Fortinet. He will reveal the latest platforms and solutions that technology managers need to cope with the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.
Ferreira noted, “We are witnessing a digital revolution that is reshaping our lives and work. New technologies bring new opportunities, but also new risks. The cyber challenges of tomorrow are already here today. We cannot afford to be complacent or reactive. We need to be proactive and adaptive to the evolving threat landscape and attack surfaces. This applies to all organizations, no matter their size, industry, or location,” concluded Ferreira.

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