الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Cairo Festival City Mall Hosts Diarna Exhibition for the Fourth Consecutive Year with Over 450 Handicrafts Exhibitors In partnership with ALEXBANK and Sawiris Foundation for Social Development


Under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Solidarity

Cairo Festival City Mall announced the opening of Diarna Exhibition for its fourth consecutive year, running from February 23 to March 9.

Under the esteemed patronage of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and in collaboration with ALEXBANK and the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development, the exhibition aims to support various talents while celebrating and preserving Egypt’s rich cultural heritage.

The opening came in the presence of H.E Dr. Nevine Al Kabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, H.E Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, H.E Major General Hisham Amna, Minister of Local Development, H.E Ambassador Soha Gendi, Minister of State Immigration and Egyptians Affairs Abroad and H.E Mr. Mahmoud Esmat, Minister of Public Business Sector.

This year’s theme, “Egypt Speaks Handcraft”, underscores the essence of authenticity, with hundreds of families from across the country converging to showcase their exquisite handmade crafts, which are each a testament to Egypt’s vibrant identity.

Cairo Festival City Mall remains committed to social responsibility, demonstrated through initiatives like Diarna Exhibition, which falls under the overarching strategy of “Festival Cares.”

Tamer Fouda, Assets Director – Egypt at Cairo Festival City Mall, stated: “The private sector has always played a pivotal role in supporting the community and boosting the Egyptian economy by spotlighting emerging Egyptian projects and providing various opportunities for them to showcase their projects and talents. This is what we aim to achieve through hosting Diarna Exhibition at Cairo Festival City for another year.”

And from her side, Dr. Nivin El Kabbag, Minister of Social Solidarity, affirmed that Diarna Exhibition has been held annually since 1964 and hosting handicrafts from all over Egypt, to support the creative economy to enable handcraft artists to access new markets and achieve direct sales opportunities.

She added “The value of such exhibitions is a combination of economic objectives, enhancing production and marketing opportunities, capital recycling, and cultural objectives in disseminating Egypt’s handicraft heritage as part of its power.

Moreover, the exhibition presents a vast array of handcrafted and wooden products that reflect the Egyptian heritage and beyond, all meticulously crafted by pure Egyptian hands.

Numerous cultural events and recreational activities are held alongside the exhibition, aiming to familiarize the audience with the significance of handicrafts and encourage their acquisition.

It is noteworthy that Cairo Festival City Mall continually strives for excellence, supporting the talents and ingenuity of Egyptian creators not only in Diarna Exhibition but also during 2022, the mall partnered with Vogue Italia magazine to host the “Cairo Fashion Experience” program, supporting young Egyptian talents to grow the fashion and design industry in Egypt. Additionally, Cairo Festival City Mall, in collaboration with Phlog, has undertaken workshops aimed at empowering young talented photographers. This is part of several programs and initiatives aimed at empowering Egyptian youth.

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