الرئيس التنفيذي
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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Egypt Career Summit launches the 7th edition of its largest career training and employment summit in the MENA region

Bringing together over 6,000 experts and speakers


platform specialized in skill development and graduate support, announces its plans to launch the 7th edition of Egypt Career Summit held on 1st and 2nd March at the British University in Egypt (BUE) in El Shorouk City.

The primary objective of this year’s Summit is to equip young individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the job market. The Summit aims to guide youth towards financial growth and career advancement, by bridging the gap between job seekers and companies. It will offer graduates valuable tools, insights, and opportunities to achieve long-term financial independence. The Egypt Career Summit is the largest career development event in the MENA region, having attracted over 80,000 participants in the past seven years. Attendees include undergraduates, recent graduates, multinational companies, influencers, and representatives from various ministries.
This edition of the forum stands out for its unique approach in providing a range of valuable activities aimed at equipping graduates with the necessary skills and ensuring they undergo all the required steps to enter the workforce. The event featured over 350 experts from various fields, hosting panel discussions and lectures, offering invaluable insights and knowledge. These sessions are of great importance as they introduce the attendees, both graduates and undergraduates, with the latest industry terminology and trends. Additionally, an engaging panel discussion is organized with investors from the most renowned entrepreneurship program “Shark Tank”. The session focuses on sharing the Shark investors’ success stories and their visions for motivating aspiring start-up founders, particularly young people. Additionally, a panel on utilizing artificial intelligence techniques to review and optimize CVs is conducted, with the assistance of over 3,000 specialists in securing better job opportunities for young people.
Mohmaed Akmal, co-founder of Career 180, said: “Our objective is consistently to equip young individuals with the necessary skills to thrive in the job market. Each year, we strive to offer the finest employment prospects for graduates and students, as well as provide them with the latest developments in various sectors and everything they require to confidently and effectively navigate their professional journeys.”
He added that The 180 Career has incorporated the Qualification and Employment principle into its platform, which aims to equip young individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge for job opportunities. Through the training programs and courses offered on the platform, young people are prepared for employment and connected with companies that fit with their abilities. The educational platform has successfully benefited a significant number of users, along with additional services that reached 40,000 individuals. Furthermore, Career 180 aims to assist 500,000 graduates in securing either part-time, full-time, or freelancing.
The Summit offers over 1000 opportunities offered by more than 75 global, local, and startup companies in various fields, catering to all levels of experience. The event includes job interviews with attending graduates and the chance to review the resume before applying for a specific position. It’s worth noting that over the past four years, the summit has benefited 40,000 individuals.

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