الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Rixos Hotels Egypt’s Expansion Provides

a Significant Contribution to Egypt’s Tourism

 Rixos Hotels Egypt is transforming the country into a premier destination for global travelers through its extensive operations and significant expansion plans, solidifying its position as the leading provider of luxury hospitality in Egypt. In a recent interview, Mr. Erkan Yildirim, Managing Director of Rixos Hotels Egypt, stated that they currently operate 11 hotels with more than 7,000 rooms and aim to expand to 17 hotels with over 15,000 rooms within the next two years.

This expansion will include the Rixos Radamis Sharm El Sheikh, described by Mr. Yildirim as “a destination within a destination.” The Rixos Radamis Sharm El Sheikh will feature over 4,000 rooms, a theme park, a water park, more than 40 a la carte restaurants, and a convention center, offering a comprehensive lifestyle experience.

“Our goal with the Rixos Radamis Sharm El Sheikh project alone is to attract more than one million additional tourists to Egypt,” stated Mr. Yildirim. This projection is supported by last year’s figures of 250,000 tourists and anticipation to double this figure this year with the expanded portfolio.

Rixos Hotels Egypt is not just focused on room numbers but on creating luxurious and diverse experiences. The recently opened Club Prive by Rixos Sharm El Sheikh caters to families seeking privacy and exclusivity, with 26 unique villas each with its own beach, chefs, and dedicated housekeeping teams. Mr. Yildirim highlighted the personalized service, saying, “The same team welcomes guests year after year, creating a home-like experience.”

Additionally, Mr. Yildirim emphasizes the strategic importance of Egypt for Rixos Hotels Egypt, highlighting that the country is not just a destination but a historical and cultural hub that connects Africa, Europe, and beyond. “The expansion plans extend beyond Sharm El Sheikh, with new projects in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Hurghada, aiming to cover all of Egypt. Egypt is a rising and exceptional destination that everybody needs to see and discover,” said Mr. Yildirim.

Rixos Hotels Egypt’s market dominance is evident, with over 50% of luxury rooms in the country under their management. Their commitment to luxury and guest satisfaction is unwavering, as Mr. Yildirim puts it, “Our motto is to make the life of the people easier. They have already enough stress in their life. I give my team always one instruction: never say no to a guest.”

Moreover, Rixos Hotels Egypt ensures that guests have access to all their hotels within a 10-minute distance and plans to organize free shuttles, enhancing the overall experience.

“We have more exciting projects underway, including the Al Montaza project in Alexandria, which holds a special place in my heart,” shared Mr. Yildirim. “This magnificent development, opening its first phase in September, spans over one million square meters and features five hotels within its compound. It’s a testament to our dedication to excellence and our commitment to making Egypt a world-class destination.”

The vision for Rixos Hotels Egypt extends beyond the country’s borders. While the immediate focus is on expanding within Egypt, plans include establishing a presence in key international markets like London and Germany.

Looking ahead, Rixos Hotels Egypt is set to host a significant exhibition next year, expecting 50,000 attendees. This event will bring global attention to Egypt and showcase the unparalleled experiences Rixos Hotels Egypt is offering.

Mr. Yildirim concludes, “We want to establish Egypt as one of the unique destinations here, offering 12 months of opportunities for visitors from around the world.”

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