الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

The Head of the Organizing Company Confirms:

GMT African Tourism Forum will be held annually in Sharm El Sheikh

Mr. Selçuk Meral, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GMT, the company organizing the African Tourism Forum and Exhibition in Sharm El-Sheikh, announced that this event will be held annually in Sharm El-Sheikh due to the immense success of the first edition last May 20 and 21.

He expressed his belief that the first session of the forum, held in collaboration with the Rixos Hotels Group, as the first of its kind in Africa, added significant value to the tourism sector, tourism professionals, and investors. It fostered new partnerships and served as an effective platform for business and information exchange.

“I was pleased with the strong impressions from the ministers and senior officials who participated in the sessions and the opening ceremony. The African Tourism Forum will mark the beginning of this innovative initiative,” said Mr. Meral.

Mr. Meral added, “The African Tourism Forum and Exhibition, in its first edition, is set to become the largest tourism exhibition in Egypt and Africa, bringing growth to this vital sector and driving development. This event will help leading brands in the sector formulate their plans for the 2024-2025 period, focusing on key advantages of the tourism sector such as economic growth, employment, and revenue generation.”

The forum aims in its upcoming sessions to enhance cooperation in tourism among African countries, attract foreign investments, and create new job opportunities for African youth.

The accompanying exhibition saw the participation of representatives from over 2,000 companies from 35 countries, who signed tourism contracts and deals amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars for the upcoming season and until the end of the year. Additionally, representatives from around 40 international airlines, representing about 20 countries, also participated.

He mentioned that many hotel operators and tourism companies from Europe and Africa confirmed their participation in the next session in 2025. He commended the efforts of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, the South Sinai Governorate, the Egyptian African Businessmen Association, and the Rixos Hotels Egypt in supporting and sponsoring the exhibition and forum.

The two-day conference successfully introduced international investors to investment opportunities in the tourism sector in Egypt and Africa, highlighting the investment incentives offered by African governments and the plans of tourism ministries and agencies to attract investment. It also showcased the competitive advantages of each country, including natural and historical attractions, an available workforce, and an investment-friendly and supportive environment for tourism.

Mr. Meral said, “African tourism ministers emphasized the importance of this event in developing the tourism sector in their countries, and representatives of tourism bodies and institutions who participated in the exhibition expressed their satisfaction with the results achieved.”

He added, “Hundreds of tourism organizations and institutions from Africa, including national tourism boards, regional authorities, international tourism organizations, and travel companies, participated in the exhibition from across Africa and several European and Asian countries, showcasing their services and tourism products to visitors.”

African and international airlines participated in the exhibition, offering deals on flights to various tourist destinations across Africa. Hospitality hotels and resorts showcased their accommodation and tourism services. Transportation companies, including car rental and bus companies, also participated, offering their services to tourists.

Media from around the world, including TV channels, satellite stations, newspapers, news agencies, and specialized magazines, covered the forum and exhibition to highlight its importance in promoting tourism.

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