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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Techne Summit and GIZ Egypt Collaborate to Advance Workplace Equity through its Empower-Her Champions Competition

On behalf of the German Government, GIZ Egypt joined forces with Techne Summit to recognize and celebrate the winners of the Empower-Her Champions competition at a ceremony held during the third edition of Techne Summit 2024 at Cairo International Stadium.

Despite notable progress in women’s education levels throughout Egypt, their involvement and employment rates remain alarmingly low. Egyptian women encounter various obstacles, such as wage disparities and limited career prospects. The Empower-Her Champions competition emerges as a catalyst for change by motivating private-sector Egyptian companies to develop innovative and effective initiatives for empowering women in the workplace.

Over 40 Egyptian companies submitted proposals, with 11 shortlisted and 6 announced as winners. The 4 Empower-Her Champions—Entlaq, OBM Education, Gowa El7alla, and Plstka—and the 2 Community Impact award recipients, Mattlob and Niotech, all received 40% funding from GIZ to implement their gender equality initiatives.

Commenting on the collaboration, Tarek El-Kady, Co-founder and CEO of Techne Summit, said, “We are proud to partner with GIZ Egypt in advancing workplace equity through the Empower-Her Champions competition. The initiative not only highlights the innovative approaches companies are taking to promote gender equality but also underscores our commitment to fostering a more inclusive business environment. We believe that by empowering women, we are creating a fairer society while driving economic growth and innovation. The enthusiasm and dedication shown by the participating companies are truly inspiring, and we are excited to see the positive impact of their initiatives in the coming years.”

For his part, Andreas Rueppe, Head of PSD Private Sector development cluster at GIZ hosted the ceremony’s opening by saying that, “Elevating women in the workplace, we’re not just doing what’s fair—we’re doing what’s smart. Inclusive workplaces are more innovative, more dynamic, and ultimately, more successful. By tackling gender disparities, we unlock a wealth of talent and potential that drives businesses and communities forward.”

The Empower-Her Champions award ceremony at the third edition of Techne Summit 2024 marked a significant success. The event brought together thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and passionate advocates for gender equality. It not only celebrated the achievements of the winning companies but also started crucial conversations about the future of women in business and leadership positions.

Furthermore, the ceremony featured an insightful fireside chat titled “Overcoming Obstacles and Biases Faced by Women in Leadership,” where industry leaders discussed the challenges and triumphs of women in leadership positions. Additionally, a panel discussion on “Navigating Nonconventional Paths: Empowering Choices” which provided valuable perspectives on empowering women to pursue diverse and non-traditional career paths.

It is worth mentioning that, the Empower-Her Champion – Competition was organized by GIZ Egypt through the project Job Partnership and SME Promotion (JP-SME) as part of its continuous effort to support gender equality and empower women in the workplace and implemented by Techne Summit. By recognizing and rewarding companies that actively promote gender equality, GIZ aims to inspire more businesses to adopt similar initiatives and drive meaningful change.

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