الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

In line with The Electrical Appliances Division’s efforts: LG Egypt launches a price reduction initiative on Air Conditioners

, LG Egypt has announced the launch of its latest price reduction initiative, meant to downward the prices of home Air Conditioners in the Egyptian market. The company’s initiative includes massive promotions both, traditional on-off system air conditioners and the energy-efficient inverter air conditioners that goes up to 20%.
The LG initiative comes in line with the initiative of Electrical Appliances Division at the Chamber of Commerce to reduce the prices of electrical home appliances in the Egyptian market. The price reduction initiative is already being implemented in all branches and LG sales outlets in all governorates, with the promotion to include the company’s latest technological innovations in heating and air conditioning solutions for the year 2024, with discounts starting from 7%, 14% and 15% on STD, ,S-Plus models, and up to 20% on some models of energy-efficient inverter air conditioners with capacities of 4 and 5 HP, cold/hot.
Moreover, Billy Kim, General Manager of LG Egypt, commented: “Egypt is one of the most strategic markets in the world and we believe in the potential of the Egyptian market as we see it as one of the most promising markets in the time being, and that is why we are proud to launch the initiative to reduce the prices of home air conditioners meaning to meet the demands of the Egyptian market and consumers’ needs.” In line with the efforts made by the Electrical Appliances Division at the Chamber of Commerce to reduce prices in the local market in proportion to the purchasing power of the Egyptian consumer, which contributes to the recovery of sales and achieving LG’s future vision of Egypt becoming the primary center for manufacturing, selling and exporting its products for the Middle East and Africa.

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