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Mastercard launches ‘Her Voice’ podcast series in Egypt to inspire the next generation of female changemakers

Mastercard has announced the launch of its award-winning podcast series ‘Her Voice’ in Egypt, marking a significant step in its efforts to empower women entrepreneurs and small businesses in the country. ‘Her Voice’ seeks to amplify the stories of female entrepreneurs and innovators in business, social impact, culinary arts, travel, retail and e-commerce.

In a region witnessing an upsurge in female entrepreneurship, ’Her Voice’ emerges as a pivotal platform that not only highlights the exceptional women at the forefront of innovation but also reinforces the transformative power of female-led enterprises.

“At Mastercard, we believe in the immense potential of women and the pivotal role they play in the global economy. ’Her Voice’ stems from our desire to provide a space where women’s voices resonate, their stories inspire, and their innovations unlock untapped opportunities. We envision the podcast series as a catalyst for change, igniting a spark in every listener that drives them to contribute positively to their communities. We look forward to seeing the domino effect of ’Her Voice’ on the future of women-led businesses in Egypt,” said Inji Borai, VP and Country Manager, Egypt, Mastercard.

Launched July 2nd, the podcast series spotlights the triumphs of female pioneers, aiming to motivate individuals to unlock their full potential while uplifting one another through compelling storytelling and shared wisdom. Each episode presents listeners with a unique blend of inspiration, insights and perspectives from women who dared to break the mold, reshaping Egypt’s landscape over the past decade in terms of women’s empowerment.

Hosted by the renowned Egyptian actress Mariam El Khost, each episode interviews the inspiring journey of a unique female guest. Featured speakers include Asmaa Khattab, founder of cultural tourism company Walk Like an Egyptian, Laila Sedky, founder of NOLA and artist, Dina El Mofty, founder of INJAZ Egypt, Mounaz and Aya Abdelraouf, co-founder of Okhtein, and Rania Ayman, founder and CEO of Entreprenelle. These female trailblazers share their stories in their own voices, discussing their personal inspiration, motivation and their vision for an inclusive future.

Moreover, Mastercard partnered with Entreprenelle, a social and business development organization that supports, connects and trains women entrepreneur, to offer the opportunity for two remarkable entrepreneurs to receive a year-long membership and be featured in their very own episodes of the series.

In 2020, Mastercard redoubled its commitment to financial inclusion as a pathway to broad-based prosperity, including a specific focus on providing 25 million women entrepreneurs with solutions that can help them grow their businesses. By harnessing technology, philanthropy and its network of partners, the company has reached 25 million women entrepreneurs, with more work and support to continue. Mastercard has also partnered with Women Choice to launch the Social Innovation Incubator (SII) For Women’s Employment. The program will help create one million jobs for women across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), supporting inclusive economic growth in the region.

Tune into the Her Voice season one: https://www.priceless.com/hervoice

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