الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

In cooperation with Misr El-Kheir and under the slogan “Life’s Good”:

” LG Egypt donates electrical appliances to an orphanage in Ismailia Governorate


 Under the slogan “Life’s Good” and in cooperation with the Misr El-Kheir Foundation, LG Egypt has successfully delivered a number of electrical appliances to be placed in an orphanage in Ismailia Governorate, within the framework of the company’s keenness to participate in providing needed electrical appliances and moral support to the groups most in need of care and providing the means for a decent life for all members of society across all governorates of Egypt.

The in-kind donation represents the second phase of LG’s initiative to improve and raise the efficiency of services provided in orphanages, which is supported through Misr El-Kheir Foundation, after the company had previously made an in-kind donation to an orphanage in Menoufia Government as part of the Happiness Day celebration activities that the company held at the orphanage. In Menoufia last April, coinciding with Orphan Day.

Billy Kim, General Manager of LG Egypt, commented: “At LG Egypt, we are proud of our ongoing cooperation with the Misr El-Kheir Foundation to provide deserved support to the most deserving groups in Egyptian society by participating in various community initiatives, most importantly improving the efficiency of the services provided.” One of the orphanages supported by the Misr El Kheir Foundation and participating in achieving a better future for future generations, thus bringing Egyptian society to the actual meaning of the company’s global slogan “Life’s Good.”

In the same context, Engineer Ahmed Youssef, Director of Direct Aid at the Misr El-Kheir Foundation, said that the services that Misr El-Kheir provides to the beneficiaries throughout the year through the Department of Humanitarian Aid out of belief in its societal and vital role towards the beneficiaries in all governorates of Egypt, and Youssef expressed his happiness in cooperating with LG Company, stressing that this cooperation was not the first of its kind, as the cooperation with Misr El-Kheir is old and included many sectors in the organization, and we hope that this partnership will continue.

Youssef pointed out that this comes within the framework of the strategy and goal of the Misr El-Kheir Foundation, which always works to develop people and maximize their humanity.

The above-mentioned memorandum of understanding stipulates LG Egypt’s commitment to providing support and contributing to raising the efficiency of services provided to institutions and associations supported by the Misr El-Kheir Foundation in several areas, including interest in supporting families in need of care by providing basic needs during ongoing seasonal campaigns throughout the year to raise burden and providing support to beneficiaries, raising the efficiency of services provided in orphanages supported by the Misr El-Kheir Foundation with the aim of providing a decent life for the groups most in care, supporting youth centers and providing advanced capabilities to enable the youth group to discover and develop their talents, in addition to providing support to the Misr El-Kheir Foundation in facilitation initiatives. Marriage by contributing to the provision of basic household appliances for all the families in need.

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