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فاطمة مهران

Genesis UAE Growing Network in Middle East  & Africa, Achieves Record Growth

  • GV70 Records Staggering 41% Growth Rate, Emphasising Sustained Demand for Luxury Vehicles

 Genesis UAE has been honoured with the prestigious Fastest Growing Network Award by Genesis Middle East & Africa, underscoring its expansion strategy and commitment to customer satisfaction and excellence in the automotive industry.

The Genesis network is integral to delivering customer satisfaction and utmost convenience. “We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience”, said Suliman Al Zaben, Director of Genesis, UAE. He added, “A robust and expansive network ensures that our customers have easy access to our premium services and facilities, whether they are purchasing a new vehicle, seeking maintenance, or enjoying our door-to-door repair services. With our strategic expansion plan, we envision offering our customers luxury and convenience at every touchpoint.”

Juma Al Majid, the exclusive distributor of Genesis in the UAE, remains dedicated to expanding its network. With two showrooms currently in Dubai, including the flagship showroom launched in December 2023 on Sheikh Zayed Road, plans are underway to open new showrooms in 2024 and 2025.

This year, Genesis UAE announced its achievements, fortifying its position as a leader in the region with a considerable increase in overall performance compared to the same period in 2023. The GV70, in particular, recorded a staggering 41% growth rate, emphasising the sustained demand for its luxury vehicles.

In 2023, total sales surged due to the successful launch of the EV lineup, including the GV60, GV70, and G80 models. Genesis also attributed this success to the introduction of ‘The Genesis One of One Program’ that aligns with the brand’s vision to deliver unparalleled luxury experiences.

Omar Al Zubaidi, CEO of Genesis Middle East & Africa, said: “Our focus on innovation and customer satisfaction has been imperative in driving success and is reflected in our ability to exceed customer expectations. The growth we are experiencing symbolises our dedication to innovation and motivates us to continue setting new benchmarks in the luxury automotive space.”

With the launch of its exclusive bespoke cars, Genesis continues to push the boundaries of automotive design in the luxury car segment.

In 2024, Genesis aims to further increase its market share with the arrival of the newly designed GV80 and GV80 Coupe models and is poised to advance on its trajectory of growth.

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