الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


LG Electronics (LG) is inviting consumers from around the globe to Berlin, Germany, to experience its latest AI appliance innovations at IFA 2024, taking place from September 6-10. Under the theme Experience, Affectionate Intelligence Home, the company will present its comprehensive and inspiring vision for the next chapter of the AI home.

At LG’s large-scale booth, located in Hall 18 at Messe Berlin, visitors can experience the elevated quality of life made possible by the company’s diverse lineup of AI home solutions. In addition to introducing its newest offerings powered by Affectionate Intelligence, LG will demonstrate its considerable progress in realizing the AI home of the future and reaffirm its strong commitment to leading a new era of AI innovation.

Those unable to attend IFA in person can still learn all about LG’s AI home appliance showcase through the LG Booth video, which will be available on the LG Global YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/@LGGlobal) starting September 6.

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