الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

MARAKEZ Brings One of the World’s Most Exceptional Eco-Lodges, ADRÈRE AMELLAL, to Egypt’s North Coast

 MARAKEZ, Egypt’s leading and award-winning mixed-use real estate developer announces a partnership with the distinguished ADRÈRE AMELLAL ECO-LODGE in its signature project on Egypt’s North Coast, Ramla, in Summer 2027.

The legendary Adrère Amellal, hailed for the grandeur of its unique character and understated elegance, has found a new home on the Mediterranean Coast. Since its establishment in the year 2000 in the Oasis of Siwa, Adrère Amellal has captured the attention of the world with its 40 uniquely crafted rooms, masterfully constructed using traditional Siwan techniques, featuring rock-salt walls and palm-wood roofs, doors and windows. In the same vein, Adrère Amellal “The Ramla Nature Lodge” will feature 71 meticulously designed rooms and suites, embodying Adrère Amellal’s earth-built environment, as well as its service protocols to give a taste of living in harmony with nature, the old fashioned-way.
Visionary environmentalist and Founder of the Siwa Sustainable Development Initiative, Dr. Mounir Neamatalla shares his thoughts: “By honouring our rich heritage and forging deep connections with our environment and the communities we cherish, we can conjure magical experiences. The introduction of Adrère Amellal to Ramla is not just a milestone, it is an enchanting opportunity to share our sustainable luxury ethos with a wider audience, while preserving authenticity and exclusivity for our guests.”
Expressing his excitement regarding this new venture, Dasha Badrawi, MARAKEZ’s Executive Vice-Chairman, stated: “At MARAKEZ, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of development by creating spaces that are not only luxurious, but also deeply rooted in sustainability and community. The Adrère Amellal hotel at Ramla is a testament to our dedication to crafting unique experiences which resonate with international travellers and Egyptians alike.”

Travellers from all four corners of the world have been visiting Adrère Amellal over the past twenty-four years. Some of the most prestigious guests who have honoured the Nature Lodge with their presence include: King Charles and Queen Camilla; Queen Paola of Belgium and Family; Ms. Isabella Rossellini and Ms. Juliette Binoche; Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Family; Ms. Najma and Mr. Peter Beard; Ms. Ilya and Emilia Kabakov; Sir. Norman Foster and Family; Minister of Foreign Affairs Ursula Plassnik and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hubert Védrine; Ms. Rawah Al Falah Badrawi and Family; Arch. India Mahdavi and Arch. Alejandro Aravena; Mr. Xavier Guerrand-Hermès and Mr. Hubert Guerrand-Hermès; Dr. Loutfy Boulos and Dr. Zahi Hawass. Together, they have constituted part of the memory of Adrère Amellal.

The construction of the Adrère Amellal “The Ramla Nature Lodge” will begin towards the end of this year, marking a new chapter in luxury tourism in Egypt’s North Coast. The project underscores MARAKEZ’s unwavering dedication to collaborating with the finest proponents of sustainable travel, and establishing new benchmarks in the hospitality domain, inviting you to immerse yourself in an exotic escape like no other.

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