الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Crédit Agricole Egypt Partners with the French University in Egypt to Support Student Education Advancement


Crédit Agricole Egypt (CAE) and the French University in Egypt (UFE) signed a cooperation protocol to support the students’ educational advancement and accelerate financial inclusion through offering banking solutions to the university staff, students and their families. This collaboration highlights UFE’s commitment to provide exceptional opportunities for its students and reflects CAE’s commitment to serve all segments of society and empower youth.

The cooperation protocol was signed by Mr. Jean-Pierre Trinelle, Managing Director of Crédit Agricole Egypt, and Prof. Denis Darpy, President of the French University in Egypt and attended by a delegation of management and officials from both entities.
In alignment with its commitment to human capital development, and within the context of the agreement, CAE will extend a suite of benefits to UFE students. These will include scholarships, internship opportunities and financial inclusion trainings.
Meanwhile, UFE will extend its support to CAE’s community, through offering tuition fee discounts for CAE employees to help finance their children’s education.
In addition to the academic benefits, UFE will leverage CAE’s wide range of products and services to further enhance the privileges of the students, their parents and the university as a whole. This includes youth accounts (my first), education loans and self-study loans for Master’s and PhD programs. Additionally, CAE will facilitate payroll services for UFE employees, and enable tuition fee collection through the Bank’s e-commerce gateway, enhancing convenience and accessibility of financial services.
It is also worth mentioning that the French University in Egypt is set to relocate to a new, sustainably designed campus in Shorouk City, which will accommodate approximately 3000 students by the year 2030.

This collaboration as well aligns with CAE sustainability goal to support both clients and society in their energy transition. As such, CAE will consider supporting the environmental projects led by UFE students upon assessment, particularly through the Enactus NPO. Enactus is a global network aimed at empowering young individuals to enact positive entrepreneurial change in their communities, thus fostering a lasting impact on both people and the planet.

The cooperation framework aligns with UFE’s goal to support its students’ academic and professional growth comprehensively. It also reflects Crédit Agricole Group’s commitment to delivering a wide range of products catering to the diverse needs of all segments of the society.


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