الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


 LG Electronics (LG) is unveiling the LG ThinQ ON AI home hub featuring Affectionate Intelligence at IFA 2024 in Berlin, Germany, from September 6-10. This innovative hub provides outstanding connectivity and expandability, positioning itself as the centerpiece of a comprehensive smart home ecosystem, where LG’s appliances and ”empathetic” AI work in unison to deliver customized comfort, care and convenience.

The AI home hub seamlessly connects with a vast array of appliances and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, making it easy for anyone to configure and enjoy a personalized AI-powered home. Powered by LG’s unique Affectionate Intelligence, the ThinQ ON continuously learns from individual usage patterns and broader usage trends to tailor customers’ daily experiences, accelerating the realization of LG’s “Zero Labor Home” vision.

Compact and lightweight, LG ThinQ ON features a cylindrical form factor and a muted color palette (gray/white) that allows it to blend effortlessly with any space or décor. The device is equipped with an AI speaker that facilitates conversations with LG’s AI voice assistant and lets users listen to their favorite audio content. The ThinQ ON’s advanced capabilities are driven by LG’s high-performance AI chipset, designed with future scalability in mind.

Generative AI-based Home Solutions Tailored to Each Customer’s Preferences
The ThinQ ON allows users to control their AI appliances and living spaces with spoken commands or requests delivered in a natural, conversational manner. This creates an experience akin to conversing with friends or family, adding a more human dimension to user-device interactions.

In addition to comprehending everyday language, LG’s AI home hub can understand the context of conversations and determine user preferences for each connected appliance, IoT device and service; bringing a new level of “care” to the home. What’s more, the ThinQ ON autonomously monitors all elements within the smart home ecosystem, helpfully informing users when a task is completed (e.g., the washer has finished a cycle) or if any issue had been detected.

On top of this, ThinQ ON makes it possible to check or change nearly all appliance settings using only voice commands and configure convenience-enhancing routines that automate appliance/IoT operations.

Connectivity, Expandability and Versatility
LG ThinQ ON is Matter-certified* and supports various network connectivity options, including Wi-Fi and Thread, ensuring hassle-free setup and a seamless smart home experience. Compatible with a wide range of LG innovations and a growing number of appliances and IoT devices from other manufacturers, the ThinQ ON enables users to manage their entire smart home ecosystem from one place, both now and in the future.

To further enhance the connectivity of the ThinQ ON, LG acquired the smart home platform company Athom in July of this year. Athom’s flagship smart hub, Homey Pro, can connect to over 50,000 devices. The Homey App Store features around 1,000 applications for connecting and controlling products from various global brands. LG plans to maximize the advantages of the ThinQ ON’s open platform by continuously expanding the range of supported brands and devices.

Enhanced Security and Privacy Protection with LG Shield
The ThinQ ON utilizes LG Shield, the company’s proprietary security system, to protect customer data at all times – from collection and storage to usage. LG Shield encrypts user data and securely stores it in a separate server. Additionally, data modifications required are made within a secure environment, preventing external parties from tampering with the operational code and ensuring customers’ safety while they enjoy the many benefits of LG’s latest AI-driven innovations.

“An AI voice assistant and hub that serves as the center of the smart home, ThinQ ON brings us significantly closer to realizing our vision of the Zero Labor Home,” said Lyu Jae-cheol, president of LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. “LG aims to make the ‘AI Home Lifestyle’ accessible to everyone, and will continue to deliver customized comfort, care and convenience through its Affectionate Intelligence solutions.”

Visitors to IFA 2024 (September 6-10) can see all of LG’s latest AI Home solutions, including ThinQ ON, at the company’s exhibition booth in Hall 18, Messe Berlin.

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