الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

A Moroccan Feast Awaits: Journey Through Authentic Flavors at Bab Al Qasr Hotel’s Artisan Kitchen

 Embark on a vibrant culinary journey to the heart of Morocco with Artisan Kitchen’s themed night, “Flavors of Morocco,” at Bab Al Qasr Hotel. This dinner buffet offers a tantalizing and aromatic experience of Moroccan and Arabic cuisine right in the heart of Abu Dhabi, making it the perfect mid-week escape.

Every Thursday from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM, this unique dining experience invites you to explore bold spices and rich flavors, for only AED 289 with soft beverages, and a Buy 1 Get 1 offer valid until September 30. For those seeking an enhanced experience, an Unlimited House Beverage Package is available for an additional AED 125 per person for 3 hours.

Artisan Kitchen’s ambiance perfectly complements the dining experience, combining contemporary luxury with traditional Moroccan touches, making it the perfect spot for a memorable night out with family and friends.

Don’t miss this limited-time offer for an unforgettable evening of Moroccan cuisine with friends and family. Whether you’re a lover of Moroccan cuisine or simply looking to explore new flavors, this themed night promises a delightful experience filled with discovery and delight.

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