الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

PayTabs Egypt Partners with Ollin – Global Corp to Provide Digital Payment Solutions for Consumer Finance


PayTabs Egypt, MENA’s award-winning payments powerhouse, announced today a strategic partnership with Ollin, the all-in-one platform for lifestyle financing from Global Corp, one of Egypt’s leading non-banking financial institutions. This collaboration aims to deliver cutting-edge payment solutions and technology for Global Corp, revolutionizing its consumer finance management.
Ollin was launched by Global Corp in 2022 to serve as a one-stop shop for all consumers’ financing needs. The company provides installment programs covering auto loans, mortgages, home finishing, education, tuition fees, healthcare, travel, and club memberships.
This collaboration between PayTabs Egypt and Ollin addresses the growing need for convenient payment options by integrating PayTabs Egypt’s solutions and features to elevate Ollin’s customer experience. By leveraging Ollin’s diverse financial programs, this initiative aims to further propel their technological advancements, offering customers even more comprehensive financial service experiences.
Haytham Morsy, PayTabs Egypt’s Commercial Country Manager, commented on the collaboration, stating: “We are thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with Ollin – Global Corp. It represents a significant step forward in PayTabs Egypt’s mission to empower businesses and consumers to thrive in the growing digital economy. By leveraging our combined expertise and innovative approach, we aim to simplify the complexities of digital payments, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction for businesses. This partnership is a testament to our shared vision of fostering innovation and progress in the digital payment ecosystem.”
The Late Mostafa Fahmy, Global Corp’s Ex-Managing Director*, said, “In partnership with PayTabs Egypt, we are introducing a game-changing payment solution to the Egyptian market, fundamentally enhancing the way consumers manage their finances. By pooling our expertise and resources, we can expand our portfolio and provide users with a comprehensive suite of innovative solutions. This collaboration promises significant value creation in a rapidly evolving industry, positioning us at the forefront of digital innovation and customer satisfaction.”
This partnership is the latest in a series of strategic collaborations forged by PayTabs Egypt with leading local and regional brands. PayTabs Egypt has delivered a smooth and trustworthy payment journey to merchants and customers across various platforms and channels through these collaborations. PayTabs Egypt’s impressive expansion and achievements underscore its dedication to bolstering the financial landscape in Egypt and the broader region.
*It is with great sadness that we must acknowledge that Mostafa Fahmy has recently passed away. His contributions to the industry and his leadership will be deeply missed.

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