الرئيس التنفيذي
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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal now provides a new tailored real-time overview of the threat landscape

To provide businesses with an all-encompassingview of the threats targeting their organizations, Kaspersky added new Threat Landscape section to its Threat Intelligence Portal. Now customers can access the most comprehensive and up-to-date informationregarding potential malicious actors, their techniques, tactics, procedures and malware to identify likely attack vectors and build a robustcybersecurity strategy.
With the rapid growth ofsophisticated cyberattack methods,it is becoming increasingly important for information security teams to prioritize threats effectively and respond to them quickly. According to Enterprise Strategy Group’s ‘SOC Modernization and the Role of XDR’report, one in four companiesstates thatreacting to new information about cybersecurity threats “in the wild” is their primary security operations goal. Therefore, having the latest,most comprehensive threat intelligence plays an important role in developing an effective cybersecurity strategy, allowing companies to identify security risks before attackers can exploit them.
The Kaspersky Threat Intelligence portfolio providesa comprehensive view of the organization’s security posture and includes Threat Analysis,Threat Lookup,Threat Data Feeds,Threat Intelligence Reporting, Digital Footprint Intelligence,and Threat Infrastructure Tracking,all provided via the Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal, a single access point where security services work interconnectedly and deliver actionable insights to help organizations protect themselves against cyber threats.
Threat Landscape is a new section of Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal thatis specifically designed to leverage MITRE ATT&CK,gathering detailed data about threats and attackers that target a specific industry and regionfrom Kaspersky’s Threat Intelligence data worldwide.Itprovides information on the threats associated with:

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