الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

For the second consecutive year, “MIDAR” solidifies its leadership as the Master Developer of integrated sustainable smart cities by sponsoring the 28th edition of the “Cairo ICT” exhibition

Engineer Ayman ElKousey stated: “We focus on adopting digital transformation in various aspects of technology and smart cities to enhance sustainability in MIDAR’s cities.”

MIDAR for Investment and Urban Development, the Master Developer of “Mostakbal City” and “MADA” in East Cairo, continues to establish its leading position in developing integrated and sustainable smart cities by participating as a Master Sponsor in the 28th edition of the Cairo International Communications and Information Technology Exhibition (Cairo ICT 2024). The exhibition is the most prominent event in the technology field in the Middle East and Africa, inaugurated by Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, under the patronage of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
MIDAR’s participation and sponsorship of the exhibition for the second consecutive year confirms its commitment to adopting the latest technological advancements and utilizing them in the development of smart cities, contributing to the creation of smart and sustainable urban communities that meet the needs of residents according to the highest standards of quality and innovation.
On the sidelines of the Cairo ICT exhibition, a formal dinner was held attended by a select group of investors and major local and international companies in the technology sector. Engineer Ayman
ElKousey, Managing Director and CEO of MIDAR for Investment and Urban Development, expressed the company’s pride in participating in this event and sponsoring the exhibition for the second consecutive year, emphasizing that this event is a significant opportunity to learn about the latest technological innovations that support MIDAR’s vision for developing smart and sustainable cities. ElKousey explained that technology has become a fundamental pillar in achieving urban development, which the company aims to accomplish by integrating modern technologies into all its urban projects.
Ayman ElKousey added: “We are committed to applying the latest innovations and technological solutions to enhance the living experience in MIDAR cities. Recently, we became the first company in Egypt to obtain an Internet of Things (IoT) license from the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, enabling us to present a comprehensive model for smart cities. This represents a qualitative leap in the development of MIDAR-owned cities, such as Mostakbal City, which is one of the prominent fourth-generation cities in Egypt, and Mada, which is considered a fifth-generation city featuring recreational, educational, medical, commercial, and residential areas designed according to the latest architectural styles to be a distinguished and attractive destination for investments at both regional and global levels.”

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