الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Global Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Unite for a Prosperous Economic Future at AIM Congress 2025 in Abu Dhabi

As we near 2025, the landscapes of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and global trade are undergoing significant transformation, fuelled by a shared commitment to sustainability and innovation.

The AIM Congress 2025, set to take place from April 7-9 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, will serve as a pivotal platform for stakeholders to explore the interplay between FDI and global trade under the themes: “Navigating the Future of FDI: Overcoming Challenges, Seizing New Global Opportunities” and “Digitizing International Trade: Sustainability and Transparency in Global Supply Chains.” The Congress will address the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities to shape actionable strategies that maximize the potential of FDI and global trade to drive economic growth and attract investment.

FDI today is more than just capital exchanged between countries; it’s a powerful catalyst for growth, facilitating cross-border capital movement, technology transfer, and job creation. As firms increasingly expand their operations internationally, FDI plays an essential role in enhancing productivity and fostering innovation within host countries. According to the World Investment Report 2024 from UNCTAD, FDI inflows to the UAE reached USD 30.688 billion in 2023, compared to USD 22.737 billion in 2022, positioning the UAE as the world’s second-largest recipient of FDI inflows.

Global trade, similarly, is a vital engine for economic growth, extending beyond the exchange of goods across borders to spur innovation and create new opportunities worldwide. Projections indicate a 25% growth in the global trade market by 2025, with a rise in the growth rate from 2.6% in 2024 to 3.3% in 2025.

Research highlights that outbound FDI stimulates export growth in origin countries, creating a symbiotic relationship between global trade and FDI. Together, they are key drivers of economic globalization, complementing each other to foster expansive economic growth rather than competing.

Sustainability has emerged as a critical focus within FDI and global trade, as investors increasingly prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria to align with sustainable development goals. As H.E. Dr. Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, emphasized, “While the UAE solidifies its status as a global trade hub, sustainable growth is paramount to achieving our national development objectives. We are committed to balancing economic, social, and environmental goals to address global challenges and unlock new  avenues of growth, especially in emerging markets where such investments can be transformative.”

The positive link between ESG initiatives and FDI inflows—amplified by open trade policies—makes ESG strategies instrumental in enhancing the appeal of host countries to foreign investors, while promoting long-term stability. As strong ESG performance boosts investor confidence, policymakers who strategically integrate ESG with trade openness position their economies as resilient and attractive destinations for global capital, fostering diversified growth aligned with sustainable development.

The 14th edition of AIM Congress will offer a dynamic mix of exhibitions, conferences, and interactive sessions to keep exhibitors and attendees engaged in discussions on how FDI and global trade drive economic growth.

AIM Congress 2025, organized by the AIM Global Foundation, will feature an array of activities including forums, dialogue sessions, workshops, high-level meetings, the AIM Investment Awards, exhibitions, a startup competition, and country-specific showcases. The Congress will focus on eight key areas: FDI, Global Trade, Startups and Unicorns, Future Cities, Future Finance, Global Manufacturing, the Digital Economy, and Entrepreneurship.

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