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رئيس التحرير
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Silicon Waha announces the first edition of its quarterly event “Waha Connect”

Silicon Waha, the pioneer joint-stock company specialized in establishing and managing technology parks, has announced the launch of its annual event, “Waha Connect” under the theme of “Shaping the ICT Horizon”, which will take place this year at New Assiut Technology Park on December 22, 2024. The event aims to celebrate and unite the ICT Eco-system community by highlighting local achievements within the ICT sector, including latest innovations, local success stories, technology collaborations, and regional growth.
As part of its new approach across all of its technology parks, Silicon Waha is hosting the first edition of “Waha Connect” event in New Assiut. This initiative aligns seamlessly with Silicon Waha’s vision of driving regional development and its mission to create dynamic technology ecosystems across Egypt. By spotlighting success stories and fostering collaboration, “Waha Connect” will empower local talent and underscore the role of technology parks as hubs for innovation and growth in the country.
Aiming to serve as a platform for knowledge sharing and networking amongst entrepreneurs, startups, investors, industry professionals, and technology enthusiasts, this quarter’s edition of “Waha Connect” is set to showcase the impactful work of Assiut’s tech innovators, setting the stage for collaborative growth and development within the region’s technology landscape.
Moreover, the event will feature a distinguished lineup of prominent speakers, each bringing unique expertise to the table. Dr. Ayman Ayyad, Branch Manager at the Institute of Information Technology in Assiut, will discuss Empowering Freelancers and unlocking Opportunities for Egypt’s Talent Economy. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Dahe, a startup and innovation management expert, will present Driving Innovation, Protecting Ideas and Securing Funding for Startups, sharing insights on how startups can secure funding and protect their intellectual property. Ms. Mariam Soliman, a professional in organizational management and digital marketing, will speak on Mastering Organizational Growth including strategies for Marketing, Customer Service, and Team Leadership. Eng. Andrew Saber, CEO of Petra Software, will cover Crafting Tailored Solutions, the Future of ERP, Fintech, and Sales Platforms, discussing how custom software solutions can drive business digital transformation. Last and not least, Eng. Ahmed Hassan, CEO of Sal7lyy Company, will delve into From Development to Entrepreneurship through sharing his journey in facility management and entrepreneurship.
Additionally, the event will feature a distinguished guest of honor: Eng. Mohamed Salem, the Chairman of the Egyptian Silicon Industries Company “SICO,” the manufacturer of the first Egyptian-made mobile phone. He will discuss the company’s origins, the initial launch of its project to produce the first Egyptian phone, and its future plans for manufacturing electronic devices.
Within the same context, Mr.Hashem Mansy, CEO, Silicon Waha, commented: “We are incredibly excited to launch “Waha Connect” this year in Assiut, as it marks the beginning of a new era for Silicon Waha’s initiatives across Egypt. This event is a perfect representation of our commitment to fostering collaboration, celebrating local success stories, and empowering the next generation of innovators. Silicon Waha has always been a hub of Egypt’s ICT ecosystem. Silicon Waha host 26 companies, and 5 universities across its four strategically located technology parks.
“By bringing together diverse voices and expertise, we aim to create a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, growth, and the development of Egypt’s ICT sector, strengthening the country’s position as a hub for technological innovation.” Added Mr. Hashem.

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