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Kaspersky products achieve top performance across all quarters in 2024

Kaspersky continues to set the benchmark for excellence in cybersecurity. In 2024, the company’s products – including those for consumers, small offices, and enterprises – achieved unparalleled success in SE Labs’ rigorous testing. Across all four quarters, they earned a perfect 100% Total Accuracy Rating.
Kaspersky products have once again earned the highest scores in independent testing throughout 2024. In rigorous evaluations conducted by prestigious cybersecurity testing organizations, Kaspersky Plus, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business (KESB), and Kaspersky Small Office Security (KSOS) achieved the highest Total Accuracy Rating (TAR) scores across all four quarters of the year. They received the maximum available points: 1140 in Q1-Q3, and 1144 in Q4, corresponding to 100% in percentage terms.
In the Consumer segment, Kaspersky Plus demonstrated unmatched precision and effectiveness, sharing the spotlight with just one of the competitor’s products. In the Enterprise and Small Office segments, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business and Kaspersky Small Office Security stood out as the sole leaders, with no competitors matching their flawless TAR scores throughout the entire test cycle that year.
In 2024, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows application, already a standout performer in SE Labs tests, became an integral part of the Kaspersky Next product line. This milestone marks the extension of Kaspersky’s proven success through to its next-generation solutions, ensuring that the high standards and exceptional performance demonstrated by KES for Windows now reinforce the advanced capabilities of Kaspersky Next. This integration solidifies Kaspersky Next as a comprehensive security offering, delivering the same unparalleled accuracy and reliability to meet evolving cybersecurity challenges.
Proven excellence over the years
Kaspersky has a longstanding history of exceptional performance, as demonstrated by results over the past several years. In 2023, Kaspersky Plus achieved the highest Total Accuracy Rating scores across all four quarters – a result unmatched by any other product in its category. Meanwhile, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business and Kaspersky Small Office Security ranked first in three quarters (Q1, Q3, and Q4), earning the highest number of points in each of those quarters, confirming their reputation as industry leaders.
In the previous year, 2022, Kaspersky Internet Security showcased its robust capabilities by securing the top TAR scores in three quarters (Q1, Q2, and Q4) within the Consumer category. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business and Kaspersky Small Office Security further enhanced Kaspersky’s legacy, securing the highest TAR scores for three quarters of the year and ranking within the top three in Q3.
This consistent track record underscores Kaspersky’s ability to deliver superior protection year after year, across both the consumer and enterprise segments. The company’s solutions continue to set the standard for precision and reliability in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, instilling confidence in users amid growing cyberthreats.
“Kaspersky’s consistent leadership in scores reflects our relentless dedication to advancing cybersecurity for our customers. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our solutions across diverse use cases, from personal devices to enterprise-level security, against the most sophisticated cyberthreats, ensuring unparalleled safety for users worldwide. We thank SE Labs for leading-edge, realistic testing challenges of security products that give us the opportunity to continuously monitor and improve the efficiency of our technologies and once again reaffirm our commitment to providing best-in-class cybersecurity solutions for consumers and businesses,” says Alexander Liskin, Head of Threat Research at Kaspersky.

“Kaspersky consistently demonstrates excellence in our assessments, showcasing its dedication to maintaining top-tier cyber security standards. Its continuous participation underlines the company’s commitment to delivering reliable protection across diverse environments. SE Labs views Kaspersky at the forefront of cyber security innovation, providing users with the highest level of protection against evolving threats with precision, reliability, and a focus on continuous improvement,” comments Simon Edwards, Founder and Chief Executive Officer.
For more information on Kaspersky’s SE Labs awards, click on the link.

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