الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

 Make the holiday season a modern one with HUAWEI’s advanced technology

With the holiday season approaching, HUAWEI has announced the start of holiday specials. Whether it’s a gift to express love and appreciation over Christmas or a good luck gift to help someone start the new year, we all want to give a gift that is practical in function and elegant in design. It’s often a huge struggle to find a gift that ticks both boxes, which is why we’ve put together a gift guide for lost buyers who need a little inspiration, starting with the latest trends in technology.
Accessorizing with tech has become a fashionable trend, as technology establishes a new subcategory within the fashion realm. We are now seeing more tech products adopting stylish designs, creating a hybrid of fashion and technology that draws in users. Not only do these devices enhance your look, but they also improve your life through sports, health, and productivity features—all without compromising style.
Living a fashionable life is no longer confined to just the clothes and shoes you wear; it now includes the health and fitness you aspire to achieve. From mindful dieting to yoga practices, younger users increasingly believe that true beauty is skin deep. Start your New Year transformation from the inside out and hit your health and fitness goals with the power of new technology, beginning with HUAWEI’s latest fashion-focused smart wearables.
HUAWEI MatePad devices offer stylish designs with innovative features, such as the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 12.2 at EGP 56,999, which comes with 12G+512G WIFI, and includes a keyboard and a set of accessories such as the M-Pencil and FreeBuds Pro 3. The HUAWEI MatePad 11.5’ is also available at EGP 24,999, which features a modern design and supports multiple features including a keyboard and educational features.
As for the nova series, the HUAWEI nova 12 SE is available at EGP 14,799, and features powerful specifications including 8+256 GB, making it a great choice for those looking for a smartphone that combines high performance and elegant design. While the HUAWEI nova 12i comes at EGP 9,999, and also features premium specifications, making it an ideal gift for those looking for an affordable smartphone.
Enjoy ongoing promotions and discounts on all products this season as part of HUAWEI’s “New Year Fashion” campaign, including exciting gifts like the FreeBuds SE 2 with select purchases. Give your loved ones an upgrade in lifestyle and technology with HUAWEI’s latest offers, ensuring they enter the New Year in style and with a focus on health.

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