الرئيس التنفيذي
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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

 Huawei Cloud Partners with GB Corp to Accelerate Digital Transformation Across the Organization

Huawei Cloud, a leading global cloud service provider, announced a strategic partnership with GB Corp, a market leader famous for its reputable service offerings, aiming to drive GB Corp’s digital transformation journey by migrating its business operations to Huawei Cloud. This comes in line with Huawei Cloud’s commitment to driving innovation, security, and efficiency in the cloud services landscape by providing comprehensive services that empower businesses to achieve new heights.
By leveraging Huawei Cloud’s advanced technologies and solutions, GB Corp will significantly enhance its operational efficiency, scalability, and reliability. This strategic move will enable GB Corp to gain a competitive edge utilizing a multitude of benefits, including enhanced scalability, improved agility, reduced costs, and increased security.
Through Huawei cloud, GB Corp will be utilizing the below solutions:

• One-stop Solution: ELB, ECS, and VIP solutions provide comprehensive security and high availability for network traffic, both internal and external.
• Cloud Native: this solution helps update applications for cloud-based environments, streamlining operations, and establishing a flexible development approach.
• Cloud Transformation: this solution allows the deployment of applications closer to end-users to reduce latency and enhance user experience by simplifying operations and improving efficiency.

“Today, we’re taking another step toward our goal of becoming the region’s leading cloud-native technology provider. This collaboration aligns with our mission to provide innovative and reliable technology solutions to businesses of all sizes. By harnessing the power of cloud technology, we’re enabling businesses to accelerate their digital transformation and achieve unprecedented growth. Through Huawei cloud’s extensive knowledge and cutting-edge solutions, we are empowering businesses to thrive in the digital age. Huawei will continue to strive for high standards with Huawei Cloud to ensure safety and security for businesses and institutions across the region”, said Jo Xu Huawei Cloud CEO Egypt.

Kamal Khafagy, Chief Information Technology Officer at GB Corp said: “We are thrilled to announce our strategic partnership with Huawei Cloud. By leveraging Huawei Cloud’s innovative solutions, we are poised to elevate our business to new heights. We are confident that this collaboration will accelerate our growth and solidify our position as leaders in the industry.”

It is worth noting that Huawei Cloud has announced the launch of its Cairo Cloud Region to serve as a regional center for Huawei’s cloud services in Northern Africa, making it the first company to provide a public cloud in Egypt. This Region provides innovative, reliable, secure, and sustainable cloud services to supporting Egypt Vision 2030, aligned with the nation’s ambitious technological advancement, leadership, and innovation goals.

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