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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

HUAWEI AppGallery and Emirates Esports Federation join forces to shape the future of esports and gaming in the UAE and Middle East & Africa region

HUAWEI AppGallery and the Emirates Esports Federation (EESF) proudly announced the signing of a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to drive innovation and growth in the esports and mobile gaming ecosystem across the region. The MoU was officially signed by His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Khalifa Bin Sultan Bin Shakhboot Al Nahyan, President of the Emirates Esports Federation, and William Hu, Managing Director of Huawei Consumer Business Group, Middle East and Africa Eco Development and Operation, marking a pivotal step towards fostering collaboration and enhancing opportunities in one of the world’s fastest-growing gaming markets.

By leveraging Huawei’s technological expertise and global reach with EESF’s leadership in esports governance and advocacy, it will focus on nurturing and supporting local talent and creating new opportunities for gamers and developers. The partnership is set to play a key role in amplifying esports as a cultural and economic driver in the region.

Commenting on the partnership, William Hu, Managing Director of Huawei Consumer Business Group, Middle East and Africa Eco Development and Operation, said “Collaborating with the Emirates Esports Federation represents a major step forward in realizing our vision for the future of esports and mobile gaming. Together, we are creating a platform that not only drives innovation but also fosters an environment where gamers and developers can thrive. The UAE’s rapidly evolving gaming ecosystem makes it an ideal hub for shaping the future of esports.”

His Highness Sheikh Sultan Bin Khalifa Bin Sultan Bin Shakhboot Al Nahyan, President of the Emirates Esports Federation said, “This partnership with HUAWEI AppGallery represents a significant milestone in our efforts to strengthen the esports and gaming ecosystem in the UAE and beyond. By combining our expertise and resources, we aim to create new opportunities for innovation, talent development, and global collaboration within this dynamic industry.”

The partnership emphasizes joint efforts to strengthen esports and mobile gaming, with HUAWEI AppGallery and EESF working together on innovative tournaments and campaigns. Through this collaboration, the Emirates Esports Federation will provide government endorsements and professional player support to AppGallery Gamers Cup (AGC) tournaments in the UAE. Additionally, the partnership will focus on fostering the development and promotion of mobile games available on Huawei’s AppGallery platform.

This solid partnership underscores the mutual commitment of Huawei and the Emirates Esports Federation to advancing esports as a driver of innovation and economic growth in the UAE and beyond, setting the stage for an exciting future in the gaming industry.
About AppGallery – Top 3 App Marketplaces Globally
AppGallery is HUAWEI’s official app distribution platform and it is a smart and innovative ecosystem that allows developers to create unique experiences for consumers. HUAWEI’s unique HMS Core allows apps to be integrated across different devices, delivering more convenience and a smoother experience.
HUAWEI’s vision is to make AppGallery an open, innovative app distribution platform that is accessible to consumers, and at the same time, strictly protects users’ privacy and security while providing them with a unique and smart experience. Being among the top 3 global app marketplaces, AppGallery offers a wide variety of global and local apps across 18 categories, including navigation & transport, news, social media, and others. AppGallery is available in more than 170 countries and regions with over 580 million monthly active users. HUAWEI has partnered with 6 million registered developers across the globe.

About Emirates Esports Federation:
The UAE Esports Federation is the official body responsible for developing and regulating the esports sector in the United Arab Emirates. It works to integrate technology and sports to create a sustainable entertainment and educational environment and provide promising opportunities for Emirati youth.
The Federation’s vision is based on three main axes, including enhancing the country’s position as one of the most prominent global destinations for e-sports, supporting local talents, and promoting technological innovation in the field.
The objectives of the UAE E-Sports Federation are based on 5 main axes: organizing the sector, empowering talents, enhancing infrastructure, promoting e-sports and hosting major events. Through these objectives, the Federation works to contribute to achieving the UAE Vision 2030, which focuses on economic diversification, innovation and supporting young talents.
The Federation is keen to diversify its activities and launch several initiatives to achieve its goals and vision. Its list of activities includes organizing local and international tournaments, cooperating with international bodies, strengthening partnerships with government agencies and the private sector, and enhancing youth empowerment programs.

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