الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

EFG Hermes Concludes Advisory on Badr University’s EGP 500 MillionFuture Cash Flow Securitization


EFG Hermes, an EFG Holding company and the leading investment bank in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) announced today that its investment banking division successfully concluded advisory on a future cash flow securitization issuance worth EGP 500 million for Badr University in Assiut (BUA), one of CIRA’s flagship universities. This issuance marks the first standalone future cash flow securitization for BUA.

The bond is backed by future revenues generated by BUA. It is comprised of three tranches with variable yields, structured as follows:

  • Tranche A – Valued at EGP 62.5 million, with a 34-month tenor, a credit rating of A from Middle East Rating and Investors Service (MERIS), and a variable interest rate
  • Tranche B –Valued at EGP 155 million, with a 58-month tenor, a credit rating of A from MERIS, and a variable interest rate
  • Tranche C – Valued at EGP 282.5 million, with an82-month tenor, a credit rating of A from MERIS, and a variable interest rate

Maie Hamdy, Managing Director – Debt Capital Markets at EFG Hermescommented, “After the success of our first two future cash flow issuances for CIRA, we are proud to continue leveraging our debt capital market knowledge structure to offer innovative financial solutions that alloweducational institutions like BUA to unlock their full potential. By tapping into future cash flow securitization, BUA is now positioned at an advantage to strengthen its operational and developmental capabilities to meet the growing demand for top-notch education in Egypt.”

This transaction comes as the latest in a string of debt issuances advised on by EFG Hermes in the region. EFG Hermes recently concluded advisory on Sylndr’s EGP 300 million working capital facility. It also recently advised Valuon its thirteenth securitized bond issuance worth EGP 519.2 million, as well as the fifth securitization for Bedaya valued at EGP 1.78 billion. It also completed a short-term note valued at EGP 433 million for EFG Corp-Solutions back in June and a senior unsecured short-term note for Hermes Securities Brokerage Company (HSB) in an EGP 600 million transaction.

EFG Hermes acted as the sole financial advisor, transaction manager, book-runner, underwriter, and arranger for this issuance. The transaction’s key partners include Suez Canal Bank as the subscription bank as well as an underwriter along with Al Baraka Bank was an underwriter, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank as the subscriber, Ahli United Bank as the custodian bank, Zulficar, and Partners Law Firm as the legal advisor, and PwC as the auditor.

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