الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Egypt Unveils ITIDA Gigs Initiative to Equip 20,000 Young People with Freelancing Skills

 Egypt’s Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) has launched ITIDA Gigs, a new initiative designed to enhance the freelancing skills of young Egyptians. The program targets training and equipping 20,000 university students and fresh graduates, empowering them to succeed in the freelance market by improving their capabilities and increasing their chances of securing freelance opportunities.

The initiative comes in partnership with EYouth, an Egyptian EdTech startup with a strong footprint across the Middle East and Africa.

ITIDA Gigs is open to young people aged 18 and above with a good understanding of one or more IT-related fields, including web development, data science, digital marketing, AI, and cybersecurity. While prior freelancing experience isn’t required, basic familiarity with these fields is preferred. The program aims to equip participants with the skills and competencies needed to thrive in the digital freelance marketplace.

Ahmed El-Zaher, CEO of ITIDA, described the initiative as a strategic step to grow Egypt’s freelance market and support the national economy by creating non-traditional job opportunities and fostering a diverse digital economy. He emphasized that freelancing has become a global priority for individuals and businesses amid rapid shifts in the job market.

El-Zaher highlighted ITIDA Gigs as a commitment to empowering Egyptian youth with competitive skills to secure sustainable income and freelance opportunities through digital platforms. He added that the growing digital economy, driven by technology and innovation, positions Egypt as a regional hub for digital skills.

He concluded: “Our partnership with EYouth reflects our commitment to supporting innovative local startups. Through this initiative, we aim to build a skilled freelance workforce that boosts digital exports and strengthens Egypt’s digital economy.”

EYouth was awarded the selective tender issued by ITIDA to implement the initiative, leveraging its extensive experience in delivering innovative digital education programs to over 3 million learners.

Mustafa Abd El-Latif, CEO and Co-Founder of EYouth, expressed his excitement about the partnership with ITIDA, saying: “We are proud to collaborate with ITIDA on this pioneering initiative, which reflects our commitment to empowering youth through technology-driven education.” He added, “With our extensive experience in training over 3 million learners, we aim to build a strong freelance community that positions Egypt as a leading country with competitive talents on the global stage.”

The 15-month initiative serves as a crucial bridge between education and the job market, equipping participants with essential skills for the digital freelance economy. The program focuses on key areas such as freelancing fundamentals, marketing strategies, professional branding on social media, negotiation, and project management. With 20 training cohorts, each hosting 1,000 participants, the initiative aims to empower 20,000 young talents from across Egypt’s governorates.

The program offers expert-led guidance sessions, AI-powered tools for proposal analysis and feedback, and access to free educational resources. Participants will benefit from weekly interactive webinars and performance dashboards to track progress and measure outcomes effectively. Upon completion, they will receive an accredited certification, marking their readiness for the freelance job market.

ITIDA Gigs provides significant advantages, including enhanced efficiency through AI-driven insights, increased opportunities for regional and global partnerships, access to leading freelancing platforms, and a dynamic community that fosters knowledge-sharing and professional networking. Interested applicants can register for the initiative through the following link: ITIDA Gigs.

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