الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Al Hilal Bank appoints Jamal Al Awadhi as CEO to spearhead the Bank’s growth and innovative leadership in digital Islamic banking

 Al Hilal Bank, a subsidiary of ADCB Group, has appointed Jamal Al Awadhi as its new Chief Executive Officer to spearhead the Bank’s ambitious growth trajectory and reinforce its position as the UAE’s premier Shariah compliant digital bank.

Al Awadhi, a seasoned industry leader and UAE national, brings over 20 years of senior leadership experience across diverse sectors, including financial services, media, information technology, and aviation. Before joining Al Hilal Bank as Deputy CEO in May 2024, he had served as Chief Operating Officer at Wio Bank and Chief Executive Officer at Abu Dhabi Media.

Ala’a Eraiqat, Chairman of Al Hilal Bank and Group CEO of ADCB, commented: “I am delighted to welcome Jamal to his new role as CEO of Al Hilal Bank at a time when the Bank is taking bold innovative strides in the digital banking industry. His vision and leadership will be critical to the success of the Bank’s digital-first strategy and will ensure we are able to consistently exceed our customers’ expectations and deliver an accelerated pace of growth in Shariah compliant financial services.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Abdul Shakeel Aidaroos for his distinguished contributions to the ADCB Group over the past three decades and we wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”

Al Hilal Bank’s digital-first approach and technical expertise are transforming its customer experience model. The Bank has achieved significant growth in its customer base since it has been acquired by ADCB in 2019 and has a clear roadmap for growth that is focused on leveraging technology, data and analytics to improve products, increase levels of personalisation and enhance customer service channels. By continuously investing in emerging technology and fostering a culture of innovation, Al Hilal Bank aims to set new standards for Digital Islamic banking in the UAE.

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