الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


 CFI Financial Group, the region’s leading online trading provider, is proud to announce its official partnership with Saadiyat Nights, as part of CFI’s strategic partnership with the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi). This collaboration underscores CFI’s commitment to supporting its local community and providing its clients with unforgettable cultural and entertainment experiences in one of the world’s most dynamic destinations.

Currently captivating audiences, the second edition of Saadiyat Nights is bringing legendary international artists, performers and fans together at the iconic open-air venue on Saadiyat Island. Running from December to February, this extraordinary series features iconic acts like Boyz II Men, Christina Aguilera, Robbie Williams, Michael Bublé, Leningrad, Ebi and Omar Khairat, with some already dazzling the stage and others eagerly awaited.

Through this collaboration, CFI will benefit from exceptional brand visibility at each event, while offering its clients premium access to performances and money-can’t-buy experiences, including exclusive Meet & Greet opportunities with some of these legendary artists.

“Through this collaboration, CFI reinforces its brand presence and industry leadership by securing high brand visibility at each of the Saadiyat Nights events in Abu Dhabi, a key hub for culture and global connections,” said Hisham Mansour, Co-founder and Managing Director of CFI. “This partnership reflects our commitment to fostering meaningful connections, supporting cultural initiatives and providing our clients with opportunities to engage with world-class experiences that complement their journey with CFI.”

Through this partnership, CFI is proud to support Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading cultural destination in the region, while staying committed to its mission of providing traders with exceptional trading experiences and engaging with like-minded local communities

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