الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


As part of the Atlantis Atlas Project and underlining its commitment to marine conservation, Atlantis Dubai released three Honeycomb Stingrays and 20 Arabian Carpet sharks into the Arabian Gulf this week. This is part of the destination’s ongoing efforts to support conservation initiatives and the local environment. The Arabian Gulf’s waters host a diverse array of sharks, rays, and fish species, with more than one third of sharks and rays now considered threatened.

Situated on the Arabian Gulf within a rich coastal ecosystem, home to a multitude of marine species, Atlantis Dubai remains committed to supporting and advancing conservation efforts on a local, regional, and global scale. Atlantis colleagues participate in voluntary initiatives throughout the year, including beach cleanups, tree plantings, and wildlife releases.

The latest effort saw three Honeycomb Stingrays and 20 sub-adult Arabian Carpets sharks released into the Arabian Gulf at the Jabal Ali Wildlife Sanctuary, bringing the total number of releases from Atlantis Dubai to 58 sharks and 10 rays since 2019. Arabian Carpet sharks and Honeycomb Stingrays are native to the Arabian Gulf region and can be found off the coast in coral reefs, lagoons, rocky shores, muddy bottoms and mangroves.

Shark and ray breeding, an indicator of a healthy ecosystem, is a natural process encouraged by Atlantis Dubai. Aged between eight to 10 months, each marine animal released was born at Atlantis, The Palm and cared for in the resort’s dedicated fish hospital. The Animal Care team carefully assessed each shark and stingray before deeming them healthy and suitable for release. To prepare for their journey into the wild, the animals were encouraged to explore and interact with other compatible marine life and forage for their food.

“Atlantis Dubai is home to over 65,000 marine animals and we acknowledge the vital role aquariums play in enhancing biodiversity conservation through initiatives such as breeding and reinforcement programs”, said Kelly Timmins, Executive Director of Sustainability and Marine Animal Operations, Atlantis Dubai. “We are committed to collaborating with local government agencies and non-profit organisations to promote marine conservation, ensuring that future generations can enjoy and benefit from a thriving, healthy ocean.”

Following the release, Atlantis Dubai colleagues joined Dubai Municipality, GEMS Jumeirah Primary School Eco-Warriors, and Nakheel representatives for a beach cleanup. This combined effort contributed to the conservation of marine ecosystems while educating participants on the importance of responsible waste management practices.

In 2024, Atlantis Dubai colleagues dedicated 118 volunteer hours across three cleanup events at local beaches and desert ecosystems in partnership with local government and NGOs. Additionally, through the Atlantis Atlas Project Contribution, the resort supported Goumbook’s “Save the Butts” campaign, which promotes a circular economy model by recycling cigarette butts, a key contributor to pollution, into valuable building material. Between February 2022 and September 2024, the initiative mobilised 158 community volunteers who collected 39,050 cigarette butts at local beach cleanups. These community beach cleans are also supported by a permanent cigarette butt collection point set up at Atlantis Dubai resulting in the collection of 2,673,850 in 2024.


Atlantis Dubai was the first destination in the Middle East to achieve accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the internationally recognised gold standard in animal care and welfare. The destination is also a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), which brings together world-class zoos and aquariums, associations, as well as leading wildlife experts, academies, and universities, to encourage the highest standards for global animal welfare among its member institutions while leveraging support for species conservation management.

As a destination with world-class aquariums and scientific facilities, Atlantis Dubai delivers high-quality educational programmes to encourage guests to build a lifelong appreciation for marine life. For every marine animal experience participated in by a guest, Atlantis Dubai contributes $1 (USD) to conservation and sustainability projects that help protect the ocean and the environment. Since launching in June 2021, the Atlantis Atlas Project Contribution initiative has raised over a quarter of a million dollars.

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