الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Citi Launches Ultima Credit Card in UAE, in Partnership with Mastercard

Citi and Mastercard have partnered to launch the Citi Ultima Mastercard credit card in the UAE. The card, which is new to market, was introduced to select clients at a Citigold Private Client exclusive Gala Dinner in Dubai.

Building on Citi Wealth’s full suite of offerings, the exclusive all-metal card aims to transform the travel journey, as well as provide enhanced lifestyle experiences for high-net-worth clients in the UAE. The Citi Ultima Mastercard credit card features premium benefits, such as 50% off flight tickets, third hotel night free worldwide, complimentary home check-in, airport transfers, global airport lounge access, airport security fast track as well as airport meet & greet. The card also offers a best-in-class rewards program with up to five Citi Miles earned per USD spent that can be redeemed with one click for flights with any airline in any class to any destination.
Sanjay Nambiar, Citi’s Head of International Cards, said, “With data revealing that the UAE’s affluent clients are travelling more frequently and in greater luxury than before, Citi and Mastercard recognized the demand for elevated, bespoke travel experiences. In response, the Citi Ultima Mastercard credit card was designed to offer exclusive, best-in-class travel and lifestyle benefits that provide more flexibility as well as enhance the experience of our clients in this dynamic market.”
The Citi Ultima Mastercard credit card is part of a strategic agreement between Citi and Mastercard. The agreement facilitates ongoing collaboration aimed at introducing market-leading card propositions and digital experiences to meet the evolving needs and preferences of affluent clients in the UAE.
Jason Lane, Executive Vice President, Global Account Management, Mastercard, said, “We are delighted to expand our long-standing partnership with Citi to bring the Ultima credit card to the UAE, whose increasingly affluent population with rapidly changing requirements demands exceptional lifestyle experiences. As the home to the MENA region’s two wealthiest cities, this is the perfect place to unveil this sophisticated payment product that connects discerning consumers to their passions.”
Venkat Mahadevan, Citi UAE Head of Retail Wealth Business, stated, “We’re always striving to ensure that we bring products and services to our clients that are relevant to their needs and lifestyle. In partnership with Mastercard, the “Ultima” card has been meticulously curated to cater to the needs of the affluent traveller and offers an integrated suite of services that seamlessly combines premium credit card benefits with unique digital features.”
More on the Ultima card proposition:
From bespoke experiences to travel benefits and exclusive service, the Citi Ultima Mastercard credit card offers compelling features, including:
New “Fly with Citi Miles” feature – Cardholders can now earn up to five Citi Miles per USD spent and can redeem them using a new feature, “Fly with Citi Miles”. This enables clients to purchase flights with any airline in any class to any destination and credit the cost back at an exclusive conversion rate with one click. Citi Miles never expire and can also be transferred to 11 partner airlines or converted to cashback.
Ultima Mastercard travel benefits – Exclusive offers have been introduced to elevate cardholders’ travel experience, including 50% off flights (once per year), third night free at any hotel (unlimited), free home check-in (four times per year), airport transfers (four per year), unlimited global airport lounge access (with guest), airport security fast track (three per year) and airport meet & greet.

Additional Ultima Perks – Cardholders will also enjoy lifestyle benefits, such as unlimited golf, valet parking, buy-one-get-one-free on movie tickets, online discounts and more.
More information and detailed terms and conditions relating to the Citi Ultima card can be found at www.citibank.ae.
Notes to Editor:
An additional image option has been shared along with this release. Please find below the names and official designations of the individuals featured in the image. From left to right:
– Sanjay Nambiar, Citi’s Head of International Cards
– Gina Petersen-Skyrme, Country Manager, UAE & Oman, Mastercard
– Maria Ivanova, Citi Country Officer and Banking Head for the UAE
– Jason Lane, Executive Vice President, Global Account Management, Mastercard
– Dimitrios Dosis, President, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (EEMEA), Mastercard
– Shamsa Al-Falasi, Citibank N.A., UAE Onshore CEO
– Venkat Mahadevan, Citi UAE Head of Retail Wealth Business
– J.K. Khalil, Executive Vice President, Division President for East Arabia, Mastercard

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