الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

WAVZ and MBME Group Forge Strategic Partnership to Drive Digital Transformation Across the Middle East and Africa

WAVZ for Digital Transformation, a leading Egyptian provider of digital solutions and related services across the Middle East and Africa, and MBME Group PJSC, a prominent technology solutions and digital transformation leader, today announced a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This strategic partnership aims to leverage the combined strengths of both organizations to deliver cutting-edge technological solutions and digital services that accelerate digital transformation across the region.
The MoU signing ceremony took place in Abu Dhabi, attended by Eng. Amr Esmat, Managing Director and CEO of WAVZ, and Mr. Abdel Hadi Mohamed, Managing Director and CEO of MBME Group. This collaboration will focus on delivering significant added value to customers throughout the Middle East and Africa. By leveraging the combined expertise of both companies, this partnership will empower businesses and governments to achieve their strategic objectives through innovative solutions.
Eng. Amr Esmat stated, “We are thrilled to embark on this strategic partnership with MBME Group, a leader in technology and digital transformation. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a digitally empowered future for the region. Joining our forces and leveraging our collective strengths, we will deliver innovative solutions that create substantial value for businesses, governments, and end-users within the region.”
Mr. Abdelhadi Mohamed, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating: “This partnership reflects our commitment to delivering innovative and transformative solutions to clients within the MEA region. The expertise brought by WAVZ complements MBME’s capabilities, and together we aspire to elevate the standards in secure payments and digital transformation.”

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