الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

B.TECH Partners with Egyptian Clothing Bank to Launch a Winter Essentials Production Initiative, Creating Sustainable Job Opportunities

As a testament to its unwavering commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development, B.TECH, the leading, most distinguished and rapidly expanding omnichannel Retailer of consumer electronics and home appliances, has announced its collaboration with Egyptian Clothing Bank to launch an innovative initiative aimed at producing winter essentials sustainably.

This initiative is the result of a long-standing strategic partnership between B.TECH and Egyptian Clothing Bank, which has implemented various joint projects aimed at many segments of society. By focusing on sustainability within charitable efforts, the initiative aims to empower individuals economically through a tailoring workshop, offering sustainable job opportunities instead of traditional in-kind donations like winter clothing and blankets.
The workshop includes intensive training programs supervised by experts and specialists in tailoring and garment manufacturing. These programs offer men and women a genuine opportunity to acquire new skills, enabling them to achieve financial independence and secure a sustainable source of income.

Dr. Mahmoud Khattab, Chairman and CEO of B.TECH, expressed his delight in partnering with Egyptian Clothing Bank. He stated: “This partnership reflects our steadfast commitment to supporting society through sustainable initiatives. Our vision goes beyond merely providing winter essentials; we believe this initiative is part of a broader approach we aim to implement across all our community activities.”

He added: “Our partnership with Egyptian Clothing Bank is an innovative approach that combines CSR with economic development. Together, we are working to build a more stable and prosperous society, focusing this year on implementing initiatives that promote sustainability and empowers women. We firmly believe that empowering women is not just about individual support but represents a long-term investment that contributes to society’s economic and social development as a whole.”

Dr. Khattab emphasized that B.TECH remains dedicated to supporting community initiatives that leave a positive and lasting impact on individuals’ lives. “We take pride in our role in serving the community and are always looking forward to launching and supporting projects that deliver real value and address societal needs. Our dedication to CSR is an integral part of our identity, and we will continue working on initiatives that inspire and support various groups while contributing to comprehensive economic and social development.” This reassurance of our commitment should make the audience feel secure and confident in our initiatives.
Manal Saleh, CEO of Egyptian Clothing Bank, expressed her gratitude for this enduring partnership, affirming that the initiative represents a positive step toward sustainable development. She said: “We believe economic empowerment is the key to true development. This workshop is not just an initiative to support individuals but a model for transforming lives and improving living standards by providing genuine and sustainable job opportunities.”

Saleh also highlighted that partnering with B.TECH opens doors for developing future initiatives focused on empowering individuals and addressing societal needs sustainably. She affirmed that this initiative marks a turning point in how CSR projects are innovatively implemented, sparking curiosity and interest among the audience.

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